The Sith Temple part 2

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Ezra entered a dark room, there was nothing..just... darkness. Suddenly Ezra heard was a voice of...his Mother Mira Bridger. Ezra's eyes widened as he turned around to the direction of the voice. The room shifted into an Imperial prison cell. Sitting on the bench, with walls surrounding them were Mira and Ephraim Bridger. They were tied up tightly, looking at the ground and then at eachother. Ezra stood there in shock. He couldnt belive it but his mother's movement snapped him back into reality. She looked up at him "Ezra ?". Ezra felt extreme sadness and worry wash over him as he ran to them "Mum!Dad!". Both of them looked up also in shock "Ezra ?" Ephraim asked. Ezra started jamming the lock on their handcuffs with the force "I'll get you out"Ezra managed to say but nothing was happening...locks should have been undone by now. In all that mess he didnt know if he should be angry at the two figures in front of him.. but he just knew that they needed help. 

" are you here?"Ephraim asked. "I dont know dad" Ezra answered. Suddenly the door behind Ezra opened. A dark figure came in...the Grand Inquisitor.

"Who ARE YOU?"Ezra yelled getting up in a protective position, standing in front of his parents.

"Ah..The child came to save his parents"The Grand Inquisitor said. Ezra suddenly felt anger building up in him " Shut UP, GET AWAY !"

"Oh... I ..can't do that. Me and your parenst have some business to disuss"The Grand Inquisistor said and force puched Ezra to the wall, causing his lungs to lose air. Ezra could have easily stopped it by attacking the Inquisitor but his force telekinisis..wasnt working. For the first time in a while Ezra felt fear, he wasnt able to see...everything in front of him was black. The Grand Inquisitor turned to Mira and Ephraim "Now shall we?". The pair turned to the raven haired boy that was on the opposite side. "Ezra..we love you". Ezra's eyes widened whe he heard that. He immedietly tried to get up, his lungs still trying to catch breath but ...he couldnt get up..some unknown force was keeping him  on the ground "N-No..."Ezra managed to mutter.

"We will always be in your heart"Ephraim said. Then the grand Inquisitor raised his lightsaber at the two, killing them instantly as Ezra heard the blade move. He knew it was over. Slowly but surely Ezra was starting to get his vision back but what he saw next made him wish he stayed in that world of darkness. Two lifeless bodiey were on the ground, his Parents. He tried getting up again but this time he managed "No....."Ezra said. 

"You are next,boy"The Grand Inquisitor said as Ezra's attention was shifted to him. His eyes fuming with rage hurt and hate  "You killed them.....YOU KILLED THEM!"Ezra yelled and he grabbed Savage Opress's lightsaber that Maul gave Ezra (It was on his belt). He activaded it and with one quick move stabbed the Grand Inquisitor. Leaving the Grand Inquisitor unable to protect himself because of Ezra's speed.

"I'll never forgive you for what you have done"Ezra said. The man on the ground looked up at him with a smirk  "Darth Maul thought you well" as he slipped into unconsciousness.

"He did" Ezra replied coldly (BTW Ezra didn't REALLY kill the Grand Inquisitor,it was just an illusion). Suddenly everything went black and as soon as Ezra opened his eyes, he was back at The Sith tample, in the same 4 walls.

"You passed The Test of anger,apprentice" The same female voice that guided him before was heard. Ezra felt himself  relax as soon as he realised that what happened was an illusion. But then he felt sudden annoyance with the female speaking to him.

"That's it!..Who are you?"Ezra asked

"...My name is Darth Traya"

" are a Sith Lord. I heard stories about are actually known as Kreia ? "Ezra said in a form of a question

"The stories are true but I do not matter at the moment..."Darth Traya said "Your next test will begin...NOW"

Ezra heard the ground break underneath him as he fell back into the darkness.


A short chapter,I know but the next ones will be longer,but still I hope you enjoyed this chapter and leave down in the comments what do you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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