New power

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Ezra woke up at around 6.00 am. Still in a sleepy state, he yawned as he sat up on his bed.

"Well must be a habit to wake up early...*Ezra looks to the door*... but I guess that Idiot of a Master wont get me for training"Ezra said clearly annoyed.

He stood up, stretching "WELL clearly I'll have to train BY myself"Ezra said while rolling his eyes. 

"it would be awesome if this room had a private bathroom"Ezra said mockingly

Then Ezra heard a door open on the other side of the room.

"Huh, interesting" He started walking towards the door that had just opened. There was a bathroom on the other end.

"Ah, cool"Ezra said and started looking carefully at the bathroom, it had the stuff a usually bathroom would have. But the walls werent white. they were mostly grey.

Ezra walked over to the little table with a shelf that had a mirror on top. There he found a teethbrush and some toothpaste.

"How do I know this isnt poison...?"Ezra said

"Oh well....I need to hurry up or I'll break my habit of training at 7."Ezra said and took the toothbrush, it was electric blue. He stopped for a second, recognising the colour.

"Hm...this color looks familiar......Oh thats eyes were electric blue.....wait...were they, I cant remember clearly"

"Ugh, my memory is blurry but whatever, its not like I care anyways..."Ezra said as he started brushing his teeth.


Ezra went out of the bathroom and went to his office table that was clearly bigger than the one tha was next to his bed. On the table was his lightsaber as Ezra picked it up.

"Time for training then"Ezra  activaded his saber.


Ezra was practicing the basic skills that he learned before from Maul. Emphasising on a few combinations he made up by himself. But after another few minutes, Ezra felt himself getting bored.

"Ugh, That Maul, what in the galaxy is he doing?"Ezra said. As soon as he said that his vision vanished and was replaced by The Emperor's office. He could see everything in it just as if he was there but no one was noticing him.

There was Maul doing what looked like advanced lightsaber moves. Ezra was quite interested.

"Put a bit more force and strength into it, it is my move after all..."The Emperor's said

Maul swang his saber harder as the Empror's look changed into a pleased one.

Then everything disappeared and Ezra's vision was back to his room.

"What was that??"Ezra thought

"Master really do be having all the fun huh ?"

"Well no one said I cant learn the thing he is doing.................................heh"Ezra said and smirked

"But how am I supposed to do that aga-"Ezra was interrupted by his vision once again returning to the Emperor's office. Ezra muttered "Perfect timing "

He started looking at Maul, observing his moves carefully(okay lets just clear this out, Ezra is still in his room, only his vision is in The Emperor's office, so all the stuff he is doing, He is doing them IN his room)

Ezra activaded his own lightsaber(The Emperor or Maul cant see Ezra because Ezra is not in the office, Ezra only sees whats happening in there)

In just a few moments, Ezra started copying everything Maul was doing. All the''advanced'' moves the Emperor was teaching his Master.

AFTER 1-2 HOURS......

"The lesson is done"The Emperor said as Maul de activaded his lightsaber.

Suddenly Ezra's vision returned to normal and it was back in his room.

"Now that was f u n"Ezra said

"Okay 2...? more hours of practice and I should perfect the moves..perhaps then find someone to test them on"Ezra said as he started practicing


Ezra was pretty tired but he felt powerful. Even a little proud of himself.

"It really was worth....*Ezra lookes at the clock*....almost 5 hours eh?"Ezra said and rised his eyebrow

"Well I'll rest for a bit and then I'll go find someone to fight"Ezra said as he jumped on his bed and layed down.

He put his arm over his eyes and forehead. Ezra chuckeled a bit.

"A street rat......"Ezra said in a cold but mocking tone.

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