The reason why you were outside practicing ,even though you knew it was pointless ,was all thanks to the men in the military who took your gun abilities as a joke.

I scoffed as I loaded up the gun and made my way over to my perfect spot that gave me a good view and direction to shoot the target,how you were even able to spot it in the darkness of the night, no one knew. "They call my shooting shit but the second they give me bigger guns and utter darkness I can kill them faster than they could get me while I have a blindfold on walking along an open field!"

With a sigh after my yelling my eyes instantly focused on the barely noticeable target ,to normal eyes at least, I raised my gun and began to shoot nonstop,Come on you piece of shit! I have perfect aim,these useless guns are the reason why no one takes me seriously! I paused at the sound of the gun in my hand clicking,"I'm out already," looking up I focused on the target to see nothing on it. "I still missed?"

I growled as I tossed the gun in the air before kicking it at the target,it struck the target in the center,"Argh! Fuck me!"

"Considering its 3 in the morning,I rather not,"my eyes widened before I grabbed another gun on the table and swiftly turned around to face the sudden voice,I quickly lowered it when we met eyes.

With a slight pout on my face I tossed the gun back onto the table before crossing my arms with my cheeks burning in embarrassment,thank god it's night time,"Oh, you're awake...I didn't know you'd wake up so soon."

Sergeant major let out a laugh,"Well,what can I say? I couldn't help it when I noticed someone was missing from the bed,so, I woke up." I felt my entire face grow hot as he slowly made his way over to me,"I didn't expect to find you yelling at a gun though." I stuck my tongue out at him, this easily brought out another laugh from him," Y/N, what are you even doing out here? You should be asleep,its 3 in the morning."

"I promised myself I'd go to sleep the second I struck the target."

He raised an eyebrow,looking around for a target but he couldn't find one.He was the person who constantly sat in great confusion but also awe when it came to your ability to see things in the dark,"And?"

I sighed and lowered my head so that he couldn't see my face at all,"I couldn't make it,no matter how many times I tried."

I felt his hand raised my head before he leaned down as placed a small kiss on my noise,which was followed by my forehead,then my cheeks and finally he placed a kiss against my lips,"Don't push yourself to hard, even crazy people like you need rest."

"Hey! Who the fuck are you calling crazy! Besides if all those stupid military guys weren't assholes about my shooting ability I wouldn't even be out here!"

"Tell you what,I'll deal with those men tomorrow-" "Today is tomorrow,its 3 am." "-but for right now," did he seriously just fucking ignore me? He leaned down and easily picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder,"we are going back to bed."

"What the- hey put me down!" "No,if I do you'll just go back to acting as if you're at a shooting range, you're not."

"Dammit SM!"

To my surprise ,as I watched Shane and Daryl have a who'd dick is bigger contest, I felt my eyes begin to gather liquid at a rapid rate as I recalled my memory,when I felt tears almost come out of my eyes though it suddenly dried up.I don't know what I'm more hurt by, the fact that my heart is in pain cause of my memory or the fact that I can't even properly cry over something I had almost forgotten about?


I was glad that there was no seat left for me at either the actually dining table or the set up Maggie had added near it,instead I sat alone in the other room where only Glenn and Maggie could actually see me.Now why was I so fucking glad about this? Because this dinner,that I learned was supposed to be a thank you to the baker family, is just plain tense and awkward.

I cringed as I watched them all eating in complete silence, Hershel refused to remove his angry gaze from Rick,Rick and Shane were glaring at each other,and everyone else was just eating awkwardly in the tense atmosphere. Fucking hell, this is worse than when I walked in on two married marine captains having a 'good time' .I wonder if anyone told their actual spouses they had been cheating on them for two years,guess I'll never know.

As if the situation couldn't get any MORE awkward, Glenn had to fucking turn around in his seat and ask,"Hey does anyone know how to play the guitar?" The baker family instantly froze before looking at him,"Dale found this cool on on the road,somebody's got to know how to play?"

The woman who had taken a liking to me ,and also cleaned up my mess in the bathroom spoke up as she messed with her food,"Otis did."

Well shit.

After that,no one spoke,once dinner ended everyone scattered off while a couple girls stayed back to clean up,I didn't stay because I've had enough cleaning when I was little to last a lifetime.Instead I decided to go visit Daryl again,but when I noticed Carol go in I decided to just chill outside.I was quite glad I did this as I noticed Glenn walking towards the barn, he seemed to be having trouble getting in. Wait isn't that the barn that I smelled walkers at?

I moved closer to the barn while also trying my hardest to not draw attention to myself,I hadn't even gotten to the front of the barn when the strong smell hit me, walkers, and its not just one in there. There's at least a dozen,maybe even more, I ran over to the barn trying to figure out when Glenn had gone when I heard raged breathing and rushed footsteps. I turned around to see Maggie ,"Maggie, what the hell is in this barn?"

"Where's Glenn,"to this I shrugged.

She quickly ran passed me and I didn't even need to think as I followed her around the back,we made our way up and the smell become stronger and stronger with each footstep,"Maggie,why are there walkers in the barn and why are you protecting them?"

Before she could say anything we both ran into a freaked out Glenn while walkers could be heard snarling and growling in the background,Maggie pulled Glenn out of the barn before looking at both of us,"No one in your group was supposed to see this."

I cocked my head to the side,this still answers nothing.

Ya its not long but I've been so lazy ever since I got back from my trip to Mexico


At least I finally finished this episode and I can move onto the next one so YAY! Hope you enjoyed though it sucks



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