Chapter 87

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I'd been curled up in a ball for well...who knows how long. Honestly, I wanted to just be in Rye's arms right now but I couldn't bring myself to go to him. I...I'd never relied on a guy before for comfort or to help me when I was down. Dad had rang to see if I knew what was happening with mam and the others. Like - how should I know? They never even talk to me.

Glancing over at the others, they were all in couples well apart from Mikey, Becca and Rye. They were watching some film, what fun. Glancing back to my books, I'd not even allowed myself to look at him for too long, knowing I'd crack. I was stronger than this. I had to be strong enough on my own goddamit. The pressure of tears began building, I loved him. I'd never loved anyone like this. Never needed someone's arms to just be around me, so much. Never known it could be the small things I needed. Letting my eyes fall shut I thought back to my much as I wished they were here. I also...I'm glad they're not.

Looking to the piano, the guitar...something in my just broke. They were never going to see me play again, never see me publish my first book, never see me get married, have a family of me own. I glanced down at the books, swallowing hard, they never got to see me fall in love. You know when something clicks into place? And everything suddenly comes crashing down around you. I was in love with Rye. Not just like a crush or like yeah I love you too kinda thing. I actually was in love with him. Crap.

"Clo?" I heard Shan say, looking over at her I sighed and went over to them. Rye had moved into the corner of the sofa, Mikey had since moved to sit with Becca and Brodie. Sitting down, Andy leaned on me "You ready to-"

"You know when you realise something," I began, "and like...everything else sort of falls into place?"

He hummed "Yeah I do know."

"Just experienced that." I sighed.

Jodie coughed, looking over at her she gave me a pointed look, which I chose to ignore. I just...I think of everything that can go wrong. Everything that can go wrong with Rye and I, we break up, we have a huge fight and have a messy break up. We never talk again and just everything was running through my head.

Along with the voice that was telling me to suck it up, and go cuddle him and get it over with. Andy chuckled saying lowly "I think Jodes wants you and Rye to make up now."

"Yeah..." I trailed off, Andy looked at me eyebrow arched I mumbled looking away "Stop."

"Not until you-"


We both got cut off by Rye, he said softly "Leave it Andy. It's fine."

Hurt flashed through me, how was this fine? How was any of this fine? We'd argued, not made up and yet it was fine? Shan started "None of this is fine Rye. What-"

"I'm used to it." Rye mumbled, "Lu-"

A growl worked it's way out of me, turning on him his eyes had widened. I hissed "I'm not Lucy. When are you gonna get that in your head?! You frustrate me so much sometimes, this shouldn't be fine Rye. Arguing isn't fine, arguing can destroy relationships, marriages...NO." I cut him off anger burning through me, "don't. I watched my parents marriage fall apart, watched them argue at first it was only over big things then dad started picking on her for everything. It became a war zone Rye."

He mumbled "I just me-"

"Meant what?" I said bitterly, "that you're still waiting for her to show up and slap you? To hurt and humiliate you? To not fucking love you my God, wake up Rye. You're not in a relationship with her anymore, I'm not gonna treat you like she did. Cause for starters I love you..."

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