Chapter 64

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Waking up in a new room I paused, trying to remember where I was, then I remembered. I was in the girls new house, we'd crashed here as we got back. Shan and Andy had taken care of Felix, looking over to Clo who for once was still asleep, I laid back down. Turning on my side to watch her, thinking about everything I wanted to say to her, everything that I probably wouldn't say.

The door opened, glancing over I saw Shan, who smiled coming in, going over to Clo she shook her saying "Doll wake up, it's 10am."

"Hmmm go away," Clo grumbled rolling away from Shan, she ended up rolling into me causing her to jolt as she we touched briefly. Sitting upright she blinked looking at me, Shan giggled "It's Rye doll."

"Oh." she mumbled sleep filled her voice, she came over to me, and moving one of my arms, lay on my other arm and brought my arm round her. Smiling I said "I think Shan's telling you, you need to get up."

"Nooooo." she whined, Shan rolled her eyes "I'm making pancakes doll."

"I don't care about pancakes." Clo grumbled grabbing a pillow and placing it over her face. Shan looked at me amused "Rye, get her up, Felix has been to the vet and is still there with Jodie, Brook and Andy as he drove them."

"I'll see what I can do." I chuckled, Shan disappeared, leaving us alone in her room. Clo huffed placing the pillow back on her bed. Tightening my hold on her I whispered "You gotta get up now baby."

"Nooooo." she wailed, rolling away from face planting the pillow. Getting up I reached over and scooped her up. She looked at me through half closed eyes "You. Are. Mean."

"I love you too." I sighed knowing how much she hated mornings if she wasn't in the mood to get up. Going out of the door, I went downstairs slowly, arrived in the lounge, to everyone there except Shan and Felix.

Jodie raised a brow "Clo what-"

"This one. Rudely picked me up out of my bed, and carried my down here against my will." Clo explained, her words slurring slightly from tiredness.

I smirked "Guilty baby."

"Oh look who's finally risen from her lair," Shan chuckled coming through.

Clo decided to lean back in my hold, so she was looking at Shan upside down, her body was slightly arched now. Shan winked "Morning Clooooo."

"GO AWAY IT'S NIGHTTIME!" Clo wailed, wriggling against me.

Andy coughed "Clo, Felix..."

She moved to look at Andy who sighed "He didn't make it, he had pneumonia and..."

"Smol puppy." Clo whispered letting her go she went to Shan who wrapped an arm round her "Hey you tried doll,"

Mel coughed "I want pancakes still."

"Mel." Jodie snapped, Mel shrugged "It was a pup Jodes, the chances of him surviving were slim ok...Clo already knew that. It doesn't make the sadness go for her, but she knew what was likely to happen."

Shan looked at Clo who mumbled "I'll be in the attic, moving stuff around."

"You want anything to eat before you vanish?" Shan asked, Clo shook her head "No thanks."

She disappeared upstairs, sighing I went and sat down next to Becky and Mikey. Shan came through with food and plates, we all tucked in. Jodie paused glancing at her phone then looked to Shan who was smirking "She is actually ridiculous."

"What are you two on about?" I asked.

Nay leaned over Jodie's shoulder frowning "You three have your own chat?"

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