I wanted to feel guilty for being so rude but the truth is I'm running out of patience for Jessie. I understand that she's trying to recover from her dad and Lucas walking out of her life at the same time but it's time for her to get off of her feet. She runs away from anything involving her having to explain herself and how she feels-and I'm sick of it.

I'd explain this to Alison who was lounging outside as we waited in our bikinis for Austin to show up.

"Have you tried telling her what you just told me?" She asked.

Of course not. "She'd find a way to get out of the conversation," I said.

"She'll come around sooner or later," Alison said. "Maybe she's trying to figure things out for herself and that's why she's been leaving the house and seperating herself from everyone. In time, she'll be back to normal and she'll explain everything to you like she always does."

"I hope so," I sighed.

As soon as Austin arrived he stripped until he was only wearing his swim trunks. He ripped off his Calvin Klein muscle shirt revealing the toned tan abs he'd shoved in my face during Tuesday's lesson. His body was worth all the marveling Alison was doing as she practiced her surfing stance. When she saw that I wasn't phased at the sight of his half nakedness, she shot me puzzled glance.

"How are you not drooling right now?" She whispered as Austin performed an example.

"I've seen better." Which wasn't a lie; By far Mr. Summerton wins the title of the hottest body as he was the only guy I knew who wasn't relatively skinny with a beefy body. Austin's body is nice, but it's too muscular for someone so tall and kind of on the scrawny side.

We spent hours lying and falling off our surfboards failing at every attempt we made.

"Maybe we should practice when the winds aren't so crazy." I could tell Austin was only trying to respectfully that there wasn't any hope for us.

"Just admit that we suck so we can end this lesson already." Alison had struggled surfing the waves more than I did but the way Austin swam after her every time made up for it.

"Hey, you said it not me." He laughed.

We established that the lesson was over and called it a day. Like a gentleman, Austin insisted we leave the cleaning of our section of the beach to him. He gathered our boards bending over good enough times for Alison to snap a couple of pictures and helped us inside. At the sight of a half naked six feet boy, my aunt went crazy. She didn't even attempt to hide her obsession with his body as she felt his packs.

"These can't be real," she said. Even Lena who I had no idea was home had a mouthful to say about Austin.

"Oh please, your abs have nothing on mine." Adam said flashing his stomach.

Our house filled with laughter and a million conversations as we all tried to make sense of what was happening.

"If anyone's got the best body in this house it'll always be me, as long as I'm the one paying the bills." My dad interrupted.

Once the house and everyone's ego had settled down Alison and I headed upstairs to change into some real clothes.

For the sake of my aunt's sanity I was hoping Austin would have left for his house or something. But when I'd change and went to offer my mom some help with dinner, she told me Austin wanted to see me before he left.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I sat the dishes down in the center of the table and pulled him aside. I hinted that we should probably go someplace my nosy family wouldn't be and talk but he said right in the dining area was fine.

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