Bent not broken

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•Authors note•

I want to say sorry in advance for all of the point of view changes. It was the only way I could fully get my idea in. And also sorry, it's not the best chapter. A lot has been going on lately and I'm just trying to write how I used to. Thankyou for reading. xoxo

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The ride to the hospital was eerily quiet. I figured so many things were going on in her head she might not want to converse, so I just cranked up the radio.

"You don't understand, you don't understand. What you do to me when you hold his hand."

I looked at her and smiled crookedly trying to enlighten the mood, but she just sat emotionless facing the road.

I started to sing along to the song gently tapping Mary on the arm trying to get her to sing along.

But she just shooed away my hand and propped her head up on the window with her hand.

"Come on Mary." I say jokingly.

"How about you get beat up and raped and you tell me if you're all sunshine an rainbows afterward yeah?" She doesn't even move while she says this.

"So what you're saying is you're gonna let this define you? I'm no therapist, nor do I understand exactly how you're feeling right now- but I am your Bestfriend. And at least I'm trying my best to cheer you up. It could be worse. I'm not saying you have to be all happy-go-lucky, but don't feel sorry for yourself. It makes you appear weak. And I know you are far from that love." I look towards the road and from the corner of my eye I can see Mary looking at me but look away shortly after.



"Alright Niall. Come on let's go mate!"

Niall gets off of one of the guys Zayn came with, and we run to the car and get in, reversing out of the alleyway.

"Where are you guys?" I didn't notice Niall get his phone out, but I assumed he was on the phone with Courtney.

"Okay well we're on our way, we'll be there as soon as I can. Can you stay with her until we get there?" He continues.

"Okay iloveyou, bye."

I look over at Niall silently asking to tell me what's going on.

"Courtney got called into work. Louis said they're busy and they need more people working or something like that. So she's going to leave when we get there." I nod my head in response.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole situation. I just have a gruesome feeling in my stomach.

"Do you think we'll get in trouble for what we did back there?" I ask Niall gripping the steering wheel harder.

"I think that's the last thing you should be worried about right now. He had it coming. An eye for an eye right? It's over now. He got his."

I understood what Niall said but for some reason that feeling would not leave my stomach.



"Call me when you guys leave here okay? I love you." I say to Mary as I see Niall and Harry pull up in front of the hospital.

"I will. Love you too." The person Mary had turned into wasn't my Bestfriend. And I didn't know whether to be mad at myself, her, or Zayn. Just because I wasn't there with her, to protect her- because she was letting the incident change her- or because he did this to her, and he made her this way.

"I'll see you at home after work Ni. I love you. Later Harry." I say kissing Niall on the cheek.



"You know that Mary girl Courtney's always hanging out with?"

"Yeah what about her?" Courtney's name just made me want to punch myself.

"I guess Zayn raped her or something."

"Bullshit Liam. Zayn is not like that." I say confused.

"Well that's what everyone's saying." Liam says tracing his finger around the rim of his red plastic cup.

"But then again think about it, it's Mary we're talking about. And since she's Courtney's Bestfriend I imagine she's a lying slag as well." I scoff as Liam nods his head at me.

I take out my phone and pull up my text messages.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to text Niall."

"Why?" Liam asks confused. It took me by shock because usually he wouldn't question what I did because he'd agree with me.

"To ask him why His girlfriends slag of a Bestfriend is spreading lies about Zayn. She probably just had sex with Zayn and knew Harry was going to find out so she just called it rape." But deep down I knew she wasn't lying, from my own experiences. But it was an excuse to text Niall, and an excuse to piss Courtney off so I did.



My phone vibrates and Kendall's number pops up onto my screen.

*you need to tell Mary to stop spreading lies. That slag didn't get raped. Lets be realistic, her and Harry were fighting I heard? So she slept with Zayn because she was mad. And she knew Harry would find out so she labeled it rape and became the victim. Like always aha. Pathetic.*

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