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A million things rush through my head as I make my way down to the pub.

I see Mary pacing back and forth in front of the entrance.

I get out of the car and Mary approaches me.

"They're around back." She says speed walking while leading me to the back of the building.

As I turn the corner I see Niall sitting up against the brick wall with his knuckles all bloody.

"Why the hell would you let him fight?!" I scream at Harry.

He doesn't even acknowledge me.

"Hello?!" I say snapping in his face.

"You weren't here. So this isn't any of your fucking concern. Don't worry about why I let him fight. I didn't, he did on his own. But guess who broke it up? I did. So how about you shut your fucking mouth if you don't know what you're talking about. You're always bitching, I don't know how Nia-" Niall cuts him off in mid-sentence.

"Watch who you're talking to Harry." Ni says while getting up from the ground.

"Let's go." He says slightly pushing me in the direction of my car.

"Where's Kendall? And Liam?" I say not moving at all.

Niall pushes me harder. "I said let's go. Now."

He clenches his jaw and pushes me again.

"Push me again Niall and I swear to fucking god." I say shoving him.

"Listen Courtney, I said let's fucking go. So lets fucking go. Turn your arse around and go to the car. I'm tired and my whole body aches for fucks sake. I'm not trying to hear you bitch. Lets go." He continues to walk ahead of me as we get to the car. I don't say anything back. Partly because I'm shocked that he said that, and partly because he's right.

He gets into the drivers seat of my car and slams the door.

"So I take it you're driving home?" I scoff as I get into the car.

"Stop. Because Courtney I swear to god-"

"What?!" I say throwing my hands up.
"You swear to god what?" I continue.

"I said sto-"

"No, fuck you Niall."

"Fuck me? It's always fuck me. I'm always the bad guy, it never fails with you." He says as we pull up in the driveway.

The car barely comes to a stop as I get out and slam the door.

I walk into the house and straight to the living room, and light a cigarette.

Ni follows sitting on the other couch across from me.

He pulls a white rolled paper out of his pocket and lights it.

"I have cigarettes. You don't have to smoke a hand rolled one." I say pulling out my pack.

"It's not a fucking cigarette." He scoffs while blowing smoke out of his nose.

"Then what is it?"


"As in fucking weed?!" I say raising my voice.

"Yeah. I think you need to take a couple hits because you really need to chill." He smirks.

"Put that shit out right fucking now." I say trying to stay calm.

"Why? It's not bad for you. It can't kill you. You should be glad I'm smoking this and not cigarettes."

"It's fucking illegal Niall." I've been offered it before, but I've never actually done it.

"We'll I'm smoking it anyways. So you can either smoke it with me, or sit there and bitch. I don't care which option you choose."

I contemplate whether or not I should.
But I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

"Here." He says passing it to me.

"You'll like it, I promise." He continues while half smiling.

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