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The whole car ride to my house is silent. As David pulls up into my drive way he looks over at me.

"I'm sorry Courtney.. I really am. Can I just have one more chance please. Just one more?" His eyes soften and he starts to lean into me. I back away as far as I can but not far enough. His lips touch mine. I try to rip away from the kiss but he grabs my face.

"Get the fuck out of the car!" I hear a bang on the window.

It's Niall. He looks really angry. I don't know why. He just basically said he didn't want me. So what is he doing this for?

David gets out of the car and Niall backs up.

"What?" David says

"What the hell are you doing kissing her that's 'what'?" Niall says balling up his fists and looking at his chest I can tell his breathing is heavy and fast.

I look behind David's car. Harry and Mary are standing there as confused and shocked as I am.

"Why do you care? This is none of your business and has nothing to do with you." He says stepping towards Niall. Niall doesn't move.

"When you're kissing MY girlfriend, it's my business." Niall responds.

Mine, Mary, and Harry's jaws all drop.

"Well what are you gonna do you gothic freak?" David says pushing Niall.

Niall steps back a little. Then punches David across the face. David stumbles into his car and Niall keeps punching him repeatedly. Over and over and over again.

"Stop!" I yell grabbing Nialls elbow stopping him from punching him once more.

"You were just gonna let him do that?" David says. I can barely recognize him at this point. Blood is covering each feature of his face.

"You're right." I say.
"You need to get the fuck away from me. From my house. I don't want to see you again." I say and a tear streams down my face.

Niall looks at me, pauses, then starts walking away towards Harry's car.

"David you heard me. Leave." I say and Niall turns around towards me surprised.

"Are you seri-"

"GO!" I yell.

He gets into his car, slams the door, and drives off.

Niall comes up and hugs me.
And I see Mary and Harry go into my house.

"We're gonna give you guys a minute." Mary says closing my front door.

I turn back to Niall.

"Don't think just because I called you my girlfriend that I like you. Harry told me to help."

"Do you do this to every girl you meet? I barely even know you and I hate you." I say crying a little.

"Are you seriously crying right now?" He says taking his arms from around me.

"This is why you aren't my type. No wonder David broke up with you. You're too god damned emotional. I've barely even talked to you and you're crying over me. Pathetic." He continues and scoffs.


What he says plays over and over in my head.

"You're right. I am pathetic. I took an interest in a douchebag. I'm not crying over you. I'm crying over the fact that I keep letting arseholes play with my fucking feelings." I say and start walking away.

"Jesus Christ." Niall says running his hands through his hair.

I flip him off and walk into the house.

Mary and Harry are sitting on the couch.

"Hey I was wondering if Niall and Harry could st...ay." She says slowly recognizing my makeup running down my face.

I ignore her question and walk down stairs into my room. I remove my shirt, pants and shoes. Only left in my underwear. And I put my hair into a bun.

I fucking hate the whole male species. I think to myself as I lay down on the bed. And rip the blankets over me closing my eyes.


I wake up to the feeling of an arm being wrapped around my waist.

I look over at my phone.


I slept that long?

"I'm sorry." I hear.

I turn over and see Niall's Blue eyes looking into mine.

"You are so bipolar." I say crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm sorry." He says elongating the 'y' and giving me puppy eyes.

"You are so confusing. And you piss me off." I sigh.

"Good. You're cute when you're mad." He says kissing my forehead.

I turn around and he wraps his hands around my waist again.

"Goodnight Love." He says pulling me closer and tightening his grip around me.

am I getting myself into?

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