Better than words

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Niall turned his head towards me and his eyes got glossy as he clenched his jaw together.

"Get out of here now." Niall said to Liam calmly.

"As I recall Courtney said she wanted YOU to leave."

My head falls and I let out a sigh.

"I'll text you if I need you Liam. I think me and Niall need to talk."

Liam looks at me shocked and walks toward me. He kisses me on the cheek and reassures me that if I need him He's a dial away. Niall watches him as he leaves the driveway.

I walk into the house and into the kitchen as Niall trails behind.



I follow her as we enter the kitchen.

"What are you doing here, and what do you want?" She says bluntly while preparing tea.

"Well I wanted to talk to you, about the whole Kendall situation. About everything." I say leaning against the sink.

"Then talk." She hasn't looked me once since this conversation started.

"I want you back. Because these last few days have been hell without you. But it seems like you moved on pretty quickly."

She doesn't reply, she just continues to make tea.

"And I know I've done a lot to deserve this, but I want us to be together. More than anything in this entire world. And I know I've made a mistake but I promise it will never happen again. I love you Courtney." I sound like a begging puppy and I don't understand how she doesn't care anymore. How emotionless she is about all of this.

"Niall. We've done this over and over again. I start school tomorrow and the last thing I need is someone who's going to make things harder for me. I don't need arguing every day, and worrying about you sleeping with some slag. I love you, but I'm not dealing with bullshit. It's just not fucking happening." She glances up at me and looks away.

"Then don't deal with it. Just give me one more chance love. All I need is one." I sigh.

"I need some time alone, I have a long day tomorrow." She says exiting the kitchen and walking to the front door, I follow.

I walk out the door and turn towards her.

She looks so different. Like all emotions have been sucked out of her. She looks like a victim. A victim of broken heart. And it hurt me looking at her and knowing I caused that.

"Text me when you make it home. Its supposed to storm soon. Iloveyou. And Niall I promise you this is the last time. If you want us that bad, don't fuck it up." She kisses me on the cheek and shuts the door.

I smiled and wiped my bottom lip as I turned way from the front door.

I hear lighting start to crack so and I rush to my car and dial Harry.

"What's up mate?" He sounds drunk.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the pub. Everyone's here come on." I can barely hear him with all of the talking in the background.

"Alright mate. I'm on my way." I say as I hang up the phone.


As I pull up to the pub Mary stands outside right by the door.

"What are you standing out here for?"

"You can't go inside." She says and I look at her confused.

"Um why?" I laugh slightly.

"Just no Niall." She looks worried and I try to walk past her but she pushes me way.

"I'm serious Ni."

"I'm tired of getting told I can't go inside places, today. So move." I say pushing her out of the way.

As I make my way back to what I believe is Harry's table I ask the bartender for a whisky and coke and make my way over to Harry.

"Hey." I say patting Harry on the back.

"Oh look who it is." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Where have you been?" As I turn my head I see its Kendall and she's hung over Liam.

"Why? And I see everyone's moving on to a prick these days." I scoff.

"But hey, Court and Kendall think different. You're the only one who disagrees." I hear Liam say.

Without thinking I throw my fist at him and it strongly connect with his jaw.



*what are all your classes this semester?* Louis texts me.

I don't talk to him much, only at work. But I'm going to the same UNI as him and I thought it'd be a good idea to talk to him, considering I won't know anyone there.

*i can't remember off the top of my head. Ill check and let you know. x*

I put my phone onto the bed and Mary calls me.


"You need to get down here now." She says frantically.

"What the fuck is going on?" I say while sliding on my slippers and grabbing my keys.

"Niall and Liam are about to kill Eachother and Kendall's looking for you."

I hang up the phone and rush out to my car.

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