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"Why do you always do this court? Always."

"Your mood swings are really starting to give me whiplash." He continues.

"Whatever, I don't even care. I don't feel like arguing with you right now." As soon as I finish talking Mary dials me.

"Where the hell are you?" She says frantically.
"Home why?"
"Get in your car and get to zayns right fucking now. Are you with Niall? Bring him."
"What's going on?" I say confused.
She doesn't answer me, she just hangs up.

"Come on Niall we have to go, come on." I grab my purse and head out the door as Niall follows closely behind.



"We could've just done this the easy way Mary." Zayn says walking towards me as I walk backwards.

"Leave me alone." Without thinking I turn around and run as fast as I can, which isn't really that fast considering I chose to wear the highest heels I own tonight.

I turn into an alley, which I though led to another street, but it didn't.

I try to run back out of they alley but Zayn and his friends turn into it.

"Harry and Niall are gonna be here any minute." I say.

Zayn starts to chuckle as he walks towards me, backing me into a wall.

"You're gonna regret what you did, bitch." He says as he raises his hand at me and follows through smacking me.

Instinctively I cry.

"You weren't crying when you jabbed that key into my mate now were you? Shut the hell up. It's over now." A tall dark haired guy behind zayn says chuckling.

"You guys can have her after me." A repulsing smirk creeps over his alcohol tainted mouth.

He unbuckles his pants and belt, and I try to run but Zayn quickly catches me, throwing me back into the wall.

He rips my dress up my body, and pushes me onto the ground with my face down.

"Now was this that hard?" He says holding my arms down as he enters me.

I try to fight him off of me as I scream Harry's name as loud as I can over, and over again until it hurts to speak.

The guys Zayn came with cheer and taunt.

Suddenly two sets of head lights show into the alley, one behind the other.

Zayn gets from on top of me, and I back into the corner, not knowing what else to do.



On the way to zayns we call Harry and agree to follow Eachother.

"Do you hear that?" Niall says.

"Is that Mary?" I say frantically.

Harry starts to speed in front of me and Niall, so I know he heard it too.

He swerves into an alley and I follow behind.

Harry barely put the car into park before jumping out of it.

"I used to wonder why you kept this slag, but now I see why." Zayn says smirking.

I never thought Zayn was this type of person, and it disgusts me to look at him.

Without speaking Harry and Niall run at Zayn, but the few guys Zayn were with start to walk at Niall and Harry.

I look around for Mary, and I see her in the corner, makeup running down her cheeks.

"Come on love, we need to get you to a hospital." I say taking her hand and walking her to the car.

I lead her to the passenger side and shut the door as I jog around to the drivers side and get in.

"You aren't going to wait for them?" She says, her voice raspy.

"No, we'll be waiting here all night."

"You have to stop them!"

"Niall has a blade on him if things get out of hand, whatever they do to Zayn he has it coming." I say reversing out of the alley.

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