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I decide to have Liam come over, I hadn't heard from him in weeks and I felt bad for what happened.

I made baked beans on toast and tea for us both.

He knocked on the door, the sound similar to the beat of a song.

I opened the door and hugged him so tightly I thought I was going to snap his spine, and apparently he did too.

"Miss me much?" He chuckles while putting his coat onto the hook and taking his shoes off.

He was wearing a blue and white jumper with dark blue jeans.

His smirk made me feel something.. But I don't know what.

I ignore it and walk up stairs to the living room as he follows.

"So what do you wanna do?" He says taking two cigarettes handing me one.

"Can you stay over? We can just watch Netflix, play x-box, or whatever works for you." I say awkwardly.

"That's fine. Netflix sounds amazing right now I must say." He laughs.

His smile was so perfect. I could never explain what it was about Liam that always cause my heart to beat irregularly.

We talk about how we've been since we haven't talked. Me and him are taking the same courses for UNI this term. And I honestly can't wait.

"So.. How are you and Niall?" He says. I knew this question was bound to come up, but I didn't have enough time to come up with a right answer.

"We aren't together. And probably will never be BACK together." I say trying to smile.

"I wonder how many guys are happy now." He half smiles.

"Well, I guess I'll have to find out yeah?" I chuckle.

"Well I know for sure one is." He says fiddling with his thumbs.

"I knew you'd be happy.. You told me you didn't like us together. And I understand you we're just looking out for me." I smile at him.

"That's what you think?" He pauses and I'm slightly confused.

He continues.

"That I just didn't like him and I was looking out for you? Niall was a good friend of mine. I wouldn't just not like him because I'm looking out for you. Listen Courtney, the reason why I wasn't fond of you two being together was because every time I saw the way he treated you, I imagine myself treating you way better. And I know you love him, but not everyone you love is good for you. I could love you unconditionally, like you've never seen before. From the first day I met you I've been fascinated in the way you run your finger around a cup after every drink, and in the way your laugh sounds like hiccups, the way you say my name and how it rolls off of your tongue, and the way you look when you concentrate. Infatuated in the way you say stupid and the way you pout when you beg for something. From the first day I met you I've been infatuated in your whole being."

I start to talk but I stop.

Without thinking I connect my lips with his and he climbs on top of me.

Our lips never separate. I feel his heartbeat against mine, I don't know what made me kiss him but I don't question it.

His hand glides my body to my hips. He unbuckled my pants so effortlessly, and I don't stop him.

He separates his lips from mine.

"You sure?" He says breathing heavily.

"I'm sure."

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