Chapter 38

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Pulling one of the knives off of the table, I walk over to Namjoon and Hoseok, cutting them both free from their restraints. My breathing is heavy as I move but I ignore it.

"Princess, are you okay?! What the hell was that all about?!" Hoseok starts firing off questions as I begin to walk out of the building, both of them following close behind.

Turning back to look at him, I don't say anything other than give him a look. He sighs, silencing himself as they follow me out. Looking around at our surroundings, I groan quietly. We have a half hour walk back to their dorm...

Shaking my head, I sit myself down outside of the building. They both stop, looking at me worriedly but neither say anything. I take my jacket off, pulling out the gauze and tape. Thankfully I still have two full rolls left.

I think I've wrapped at least a quarter of my body by the time I've covered all of the bleeding areas. I just shake my head to myself as put them back into the pockets I'd gotten them out of before taking my jacket and standing up.

"Are you okay, Solbi?" Hoseok asks softly as I wince at the movement of getting up. I simply nod my head, texting Felix to have the three of them ready for me at the dorm. I'd have just texted Changbin but it was quicker to get to Felix.

"Come on. We've got a thirty minute walk ahead of us and it's late. We need to get going." I tell them as I begin walking towards their place. They're both silent the entire way there though I can feel their eyes on me the entire time as though they're worried I'll drop at any second.

When we finally reach the place, the guy that was with Kookie's group is stood outside. He nods his head at me, opening the door for us when we reach the door.

"Boss and his friends are waiting for you, boss." He tells me. I nod my head as I usher Hoseok and Namjoon inside.

"You're free to go. Thank you for your work today." I inform him before heading in myself.

"Whoever was supposed to be with these two bailed early. I expect proper punishment for the lack of follow through." I inform Sohjae as we get in. Changbin stands almost instantly as all eyes turn to me.

"Understood, Boss. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope it didn't cause too much of a problem." She answers, standing as well. I nod my head.

"How's Taehyung and Jungkook?" I ask, not moving my eyes from her.

"Both asleep. Jungkook seems to have recovered though he's still a little weak at the moment. Should be good by tomorrow evening. Taehyung does have a mild concussion. Should be gone by the end of the week." She reports. I nod my head.

"Thank you for taking care of them. You're dismissed." I tell her. She nods her head before walking out. As soon as the door closes behind her, the entire room erupts into an uproar.

Immediately, I'm carefully sat down onto a kitchen chair as I'm surrounded by Felix, Hyunjin, and Changbin. The other five boys are asking questions left and right, also conversing with each other to assess the damage.

"Enough!" I yell, giving the three boys around me an apologetic look for having yelled in their ears. They simply shrug it off as they take my jacket off of me and take the gauze off as well. The other five boys silence instantly as they all look over at me.

"I understand today has been a whirlwind for you guys and that you're all confused, worried, and everything else. Being loud as hell and waking your other two sleeping younger boys up who are in the process of recovering is not going to help you though. If you'll wait for a minute, we can calmly go over what happened and I'll answer questions. But you need to quiet down and calm down." I instruct them all. They all stay silent as they keep their gaze on me and the three boys as they find seats in the room.

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