Chapter 23

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"Tomorrow isn't actually a press conference, is it?!" I yell at my manager that evening, standing in his office on the other side of his desk. He simply raises an eyebrow at me.

"Ara, you have work to be doing." He simply tells me. I slam my fists on his desk as I yell again.

"It isn't a press conference, is it?! You're going to force us to break up, aren't you?!" I holler as my fists come in contact with the wooden surface of his desk. He rolls his eyes this time.

"Just make sure you're at the conference room here by 9:30 tomorrow morning. I won't be picking you up." He says, not bothering to make eye contact with me.

"Aren't you?!" I scream, slamming my fists into the desk for the third time. I can feel the desktop finally begin to give way to my anger, feeling splinters stab into my fists.

"Go." He says with a glare. I scream at him one more time, shoving my knee into the metal at the front of his desk before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

Going down to the writing room, I fix up my hands before attempting to calm myself down. Of course, that doesn't go too smoothly as Felix and the other two walk in on me about ten minutes later, a bawling mess as I shove my fist towards the already beaten up wall for what feels like the millionth time.

The night drags through and I don't end up getting any sleep at all. I don't know how or why, but the next morning eventually rolls around.

My head is down with my headphones blasting music in my ears as I walk back into the studio the next morning. I've got on gray ripped skinny jeans that have holes at the knees, a fiery orange tank top, and black beanie on this morning, not caring in the slightest that it's cold out. My hands are still wrapped up from getting a tad bloody yesterday evening as well.

I don't bother pulling my headphones completely off as I walk into the conference room. I simply pull them down to my neck, not bothering to turn the music down or off. Sitting next to me is Hoseok and across from us is our managers.

"What's going on?" Hoseok asks, a worried frown on his face as he looks between my stone cold one and the slightly angered ones that are sat across from us.

"Hoseok, is it true that the two of you are dating?" His manager asks with a sigh. Frowning in confusion, he nods his head as his hand subconsciously reaches for mine.

I don't bother removing mine, trying to internally savor the last bit of caring and sweetness from the boy beside of me. His touch causes my stone cold expression to break as I lower my head, forcing back tears as I know what's coming.

"How long has this been going on?" My manager asks next, sounding more annoyed than anything.

"A week exactly, Sir." Hoseok answers, his voice still holding confusion.

"Good. Then things between the two of you aren't too serious yet, I take it. Correct?" My manager responds. My head lifts at his words, a glare in my eyes as I look at him. Hoseok's frown deepens at the question as he looks between me and the man sat across from me.

"Sir, I'd like to think we take our relationship quite seriously." Hoseok answers. I can hear the offense in his voice that he's taken towards the question. Rightfully so.

"You two haven't had sex yet, right? You two haven't done anything sexual yet, right? Have you two even kissed each other on the lips yet?" My manager challenges him. I clench my free hand at my side as I feel Hoseok's grip on my hand tighten.

"Correct, Sir. That's only because -" Hoseok isn't even able to finish his explanation before he's cut off again.

"Exactly. You two aren't serious yet and haven't done anything stupid yet, thankfully." My manager stops him. Hoseok simply scoffs, clearly disliking my manager though I certainly can't blame him. He's an asshole.

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