Chapter 16

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Scrolling through the bands twitter account on the way to school, I shake my head as I sigh. I quickly make the announcement that we're performing again in just over another week before switching to my own account.

However, when I switch there, the hate only gets worse. Shaking my head after about three minutes of scrolling through that, I exit out of twitter altogether. I knew there'd be tons of hate on there towards me, it just always catches me off guard the different things that they find to hate on along with the amount of hate there always seems to be.

"What're you doing on social media, Ara?" My manager questions as we pull up to school. Thankfully, it's Friday finally.

"I was only announcing about the performance we have coming up and clearing the notifications." I answer. It's half a lie in all honesty. It's true, that's what I was on there to do, but I also ended up scrolling through all the hate that's on there.

I had gone through all six accounts that we have on twitter. Unfortunately for me, I get to be the lucky one of the band who manages all of the individual accounts and the band account. So yes, I tweet for my bandmates. But that's only because they need to be active and none of them are ever on there. Plus, they literally asked me to manage it for them.

"Alright. As long as you're not bothering with the hate then we're all good." He says as I get out of the car. I just nod my head before closing the door.

Honestly, there is some good stuff on social media. There are some people on there that actually like me. I do actually have some fans. There's a decent amount of people who are actually fans of me from me being in the band and there are some people who are actually fans of my solo career. If that weren't the case I wouldn't still be in those positions - but there's a shit ton of haters.

"You've been reading the hate again." Felix's words breaks me out of my downward spiraling thoughts. I just shrug. His words weren't a question - they know when I've been reading hate at this point or if I'm just lost in thought.

"Hi, beautiful!" Hoseok greets me as he and Kookie rush up to me. I smile at him, rolling my eyes as I shake my head at him.

"Hi, Noona!" Kookie greets before the two of them throw their arms around me. Felix and the other two give me worried glances as they know how I get when I've been reading the hate.

"Everything okay, Ara?" Hoseok asks gently as he looks down at me. I look up at him in surprise, caught off guard.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Hoseok. Why?" I ask uncertainly.

"You just seem a tad out of it today. Like you've got something on your mind." He answers with a soft smile. I return the smile, shrugging my shoulders lightly.

Running a sweaty hand through my hair, I stop my dancing as I turn towards the door to the practice room that's been opened. Standing there is Chaemin.

"Hey, Ara! We're inviting BTS over to the dorm in an hour. Is that alright?" She asks shyly. I chuckle nodding my head. I've hardly seen the four of them all week outside of practice at this point.

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine. Do I sense a crush on one of those boys?" I answer the older girl, teasing her. She blushes almost instantly at my words.

"Oh? Who's the lucky guy?" I continue on. She rolls her eyes at me.

"Fine, fine. It's Jin. Oh wait - do you know the members?" She answers as she runs a hand through her hair nervously. I chuckle again, nodding my head.

"Yes, despite never having actually met them, I do know who each member is." I lie with a convincing smirk.

"That's so sweet though honestly. Which one does Minjee like?" I question, knowing the older girl knows the oldest's crush. She smirks, getting to reveal the information.

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