Chapter 34

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"Ara? What're you doing here?" Jisung asks with a confused look on his face as I find myself standing outside the door of their dorm.

"I need to speak with Changbin for a moment, if that's okay? Changbin, Felix, and Hyunjin if possible." I answer, giving him a slightly hopeful look. He smiles, nodding his head as he gently pulls me in.

"Changbin is in his room. I'll go get the other two and send them on their way. It's good to see you - and to see you outside of the studio working for once." He tells me, a genuine smile on his face as he gives me a hug before gently pushing me towards the correct hall. I return his smile before walking to where I know the boys room is.

"Everything okay?" Changbin asks. Being able to read my body language too well, he opens his door all the way to let me in.

I don't say anything as I follow him in and sit down next to him on the bed. He doesn't even bother saying anything as Felix and Hyunjin enter the room a mere minute later.

"Solbi, is everything okay?" Felix asks with concern. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes.

"Hoseok witnessed me dealing with Sohjae and Jingsoh." Is all I can manage to say, knowing Changbin will recognize both names and that the other two will at least recognize Sohjae. They too have met the gang.

"What happened?" Hyunjin asks, keeping his voice calm. I sigh as I open my eyes.

"We got attacked by Jingsoh, one of the people we do business with - just the lower level stuff. None of the high end clients. Hoseok watched as he realized who I was and stumbled backwards. He watched the entire interaction before we walked a little ways away and heard Sohjae finish the job - a third offense situation. He watched and listened as she approached me afterwards and called me boss and as we vaguely discussed work matters briefly." I answer, summing up what had happened.

"Shit. Did everything go okay? How did he react?" Changbin asks, worry lacing his voice. He knows how anxious I get and how interesting things can get with people after they find out what I'm in charge of...

"I... He didn't seem to have any issues with it..." I answer, stumbling for the words.

"What do you mean?" Felix asks in confusion. I take a deep breath as I run a hand through my hair.

"I apologized for him having to witness all of it. He simply asked what I was apologizing for. When I explained that it was just something that's part of my past, something that I still work with today as it's something I'm not in a position to leave - all he said was that it's nothing to apologize for. That it's something that's shaped me into who I am today and that he loves who I am now." I explain.

Looking around at them, they look relieved. Which, generally would make sense.

"But, that's a good thing. Isn't it?" Hyunjin finally speaks, seeing my unsatisfied expression. I sigh, ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, I guess. I just... I don't know, guys... Like, I know it should be a good thing... It just worries me..." I stumble over words. They all frown as Hyunjin pulls me into a side hug. Felix is sat on the desk chair while Changbin and Hyunjin are sat on either side of me on Changbin's bed.

"Why does it worry you?" Felix asks, sympathy written all over his face.

"I don't know... He really seems to like me and care about me... I just... He was so accepting of that part of my life just being a part of me as if it were nothing. As if it didn't matter in the slightest." I tell them.

"Solbi, that's a good thing though. It means he really does care about you and likes you for who you are now. Not who you seem to be or anything like that. Not who you pretend to be. He accepts that you have a lot that goes into the person you are and isn't going to try to change you just because maybe one piece or another isn't pretty enough or anything like that." Hyunjin tries to explain.

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