Chapter 37

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Watching the knife go spinning through the air, a tight smirk pulls onto my lips. Within seconds, I've hit my target as he falls to the floor and drops the guns.

Hearing the man behind them fall, both boys open their eyes wide as they quickly rush away from him. I simply walk over and take the two guns.

"You have no power over me anymore, asshole." I whisper in his ear as I take the guns from him and put the safety locks on. The knife hit him in exactly the right place and since it had enough power from the throw, it dug in to do the job.

"Let's go." I say, standing and turning towards the two boys stood by me. They look at me in pure shock though.

"Come on. We don't have a lot of time. We need to get you out of here." I tell them, shoving one gun in my back pocket and the other in my pocket for the time being so that I could take both boys by the wrists and drag them.

They quickly snap to and hurry with me. They follow my motions as I climb onto the cargo bin again and exit the way I'd came in. They're hesitant but do as me, following me out to the tree line unspotted. Though when we get there, Yoongi drops. His leg.

I pull out the gauze and tape, wrapping his leg where he'd been cut before helping him up. Quickly calling Sohjae up, she soon appears.

"I need the two of you to go with her. She's going to watch over the two of you while I go handle the others. I need you two to listen to her though, no arguing or questions asked. Clear?" I instruct, looking more to Jin than my brother who's not in much condition to do so since he has quite a low pain tolerance. The boy nods his head and I look over to Sohjae.

"Take them to their dorm. Keep them there and within your watch. I'm after the others and will be sending them your way as they're freed." I tell her. She nods.

"Yes, boss. By the way, word just came in that the third group is getting some serious hell their way." She informs me.

"I'll head there next. Keep eyes on Hoseok and Namjoon." I respond before running off without a second thought.

I feel bad leaving the two of them last, but I know those three. They're the youngest, they're terrified I'm sure, and they're going to get themselves into even more trouble by trying to protect each other.

Within another half hour, I've arrived to a rundown house. I don't bother trying to be stealthy as I kick the front door down. It's a one story rundown house with no protection. As I walk in, I hear another cry of pain from none other than Taehyung.

Following the sounds, I quietly head down the hallway. Though, as I go, I can hear heavy breathing from two other rooms than where the cry of pain had come from.

Frowning, I carefully twist open the first door to reveal Jimin sitting tied up to a chair, sweat dripping from the poor boy. His eyes widen as he looks up, relaxing when he sees me. Though, before he can speak, I motion for him to be quiet. Thankfully, he doesn't say anything as I rush over to him and cut him free from the roped binding him to the chair.

"Out to the tree line and stay there. The others will be out soon. Stay low, stay silent, and stay there." I whisper. He nods his head as he follows me out of the room before hurrying quietly out of the house.

Continuing down the hall, I stop at the next door on the other side of the hall when I hear heavy breathing from there as well. Though, this door is cracked open. Hesitantly, I push it open to reveal a beaten and bruised Jungkook. His head snaps up in fear at the movement of the door before he visibly relaxes, not even bothering to try to speak.

"I've already gotten Jimin out. I need you to get out of the house and out to the tree line where he's waiting for you, okay? I have to go get Taehyung still. I need you two to wait for me there though." I instruct him. He manages to nod his head as I help him up.

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