Chapter 12

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Looking up at the shop in front of us my eyes widen. A tattoo parlor... Oh no...

"Dad, stop. I think you need to -" I'm silenced by a slap across my face. Wincing in pain, he takes my wrist harshly and drags me in.

"Hello fellas." He greets the three men that are working inside. They all smile at him, greeting him before their eyes land on me.

"What can we do for you this evening?" The one at the front desk asks curiously, keeping a wary eye on me.

"She'd like to get a few tattoos. I'm sure you boys wouldn't mind hooking her up?" My father slurs with a giant smirk still on his face, his hand still gripping my wrist tightly. I know I'll end up with a bruise on that wrist before the nights out.

"Sure, we can handle that. Do you guys know which ones and where?" The second guy asks, keeping his eyes on me the entire time despite his head being angled towards my father.

"These three. I want them here, here, and here." Dad answers, pointing to three really weird and nasty looking tattoos before pointing to my right forearm, left shoulder, and left hip. It's everything I can do to keep my breathing under control.

"Alright. We can make that happen. Come with me, sweetheart. We'll bring her back out to you when she's done." The third guy who has the most tattoos and piercings answers before motioning towards me to follow him. Dad smirks happily at the man, nodding his head before heading towards the front desk to talk to the other two.

"Alright, so we aren't assholes here. It's your body that these stay on for the rest of eternity. You pick the three tattoos you'd like." The man tells me once we've entered a room in the back, handing me a book to flip through. A small sigh of relief leaves my lips at the fact that I don't have to get those specific ones.

I pick out an intricate vine with flowers for my right forearm, okay with the fact that it'll cover my entire forearm and will go up to about halfway onto the back of my hand.

I then go with very interesting set of angel wings for my hip. They look like they're almost broken and tired, with vines wrapping around them and extending up and down from it. The angle that the wings are at makes them look like they're in the shape of a heart - something I'm that's planned.

Finally for my shoulder, I pick a dandelion - one of the ones that you'd blow on to make a wish. It lays horizontally and the stem breaks off at the end, turning into little pieces of the actual flower part of the dandelion while at the front of it, one of the flower pieces hangs above the flower itself and turns into a flock of birds beginning to fly away from it. The actual flower would be on the back side of my shoulder, the small flower pieces and birds wrapping over top my shoulder and to the front.

Leaning back in the chair as he takes the designs, I sigh. Well, if nothing else at least I got to pick what's going on my body...

Biting my lip nervously, I head down towards the van for school the next morning. My head hangs low as I hurry down the stairs with my bag over my right shoulder, making certain to be very careful with the new tattoos that are wrapped up.

I have no idea how I'm going hide the piece that's on my hand. For once, I'm actually grateful for the length of the skirt of my uniform. I hate skirts in general and I hate our uniform skirts, but the length is just long enough to hide the tattoo that reaches down onto my left thigh.

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