Chapter 14

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Looking at my reflection in the mirror one last time before heading down to where my manager waits, my eyes scan my entire being.

Makeup covers the cuts and bruises on my face, neck, and legs. I can't take any of the piercings out by instructions of the people who gave them to me. It'll cause infection and the holes will close up.

In my uniform, the tattoos are all almost covered up minus the on that stretches onto my hand. You can't see any cuts, bruises, or scars anywhere on my body. My now smoky pink hair stands out like a sore thumb though I actually kind of like it.

I hate it since I'm not supposed to have it. Since my father was the one to give it to me without my ability to have permission to color my hair. It works with the tattoos and piercings I have though I'm still working on accepting those.

As he had mentioned, it definitely helps with the badass persona. However, that's exactly what I'm supposed to be avoiding at school. Not like he'd know. As annoyed as I am with the piercings, I don't mind those too much either.

As much as I hate to admit it, I actually didn't mind any of the pain that was caused in the process of getting the tattoos and piercings.

Shaking my head at myself, I grab my bag and head downstairs. I watch as my manager throws his hands up in frustration and anger when I get into the car.

"Are you ever going to stop?! You're taking the image way too far. I don't want to see you show up with another piercing or tattoo again, Ara. This is unacceptable. You need to change your hair too." He spits as he takes off down the road in anger.

"Sir, I can't. It'll only get changed back to this." I tell him with a sigh.

"Bullshit. You need to fucking change it." He tells me, his knuckles turning white from how tightly he's gripping the wheel.

"Goddamn it! I didn't ask for any of this! I didn't choose to dye my hair! To get the piercings! To get the tattoos! I didn't want any of it! I don't control any of that! If you're that head over heels in anger about it, why don't you go take it up with my drunkass father then?!" I yell at him, clenching my fists at my sides.

He had found me out on the streets and knows the background I come from, minus my being Min Yoongi's younger sister. He's always known me to be Yun Ara as it will stay that way. But he knows about the shit I went through and still go through.

He sighs, his grip on the wheel loosening at my words. He knows I can't control every last aspect of my life and that there's nothing I can do about that. Sure, I don't have to go home every single night to take the abuse. But I've worked my ass off almost my entire life just to make sure that that house doesn't go to hell because of them. I'm still paying for that damned place, paying the bills and such.

The rest of the drive to school is silent. Even when I get out of the van, he doesn't say anything to me before I close the door and walk away towards the building.

All eyes are on me as I walk in. The looks are a mixture of glares and utter surprise at my look. Even Felix and Hyunjin have surprised expressions as they approach me. The only one who isn't in complete shock is Changbin. He's watched me go through stupid shit like this with my parents before, though never this extreme.

"Ara! You're finally back!" Hoseok exclaims when he and Kookie see me. I can't help the smile that appears on my face as they both run up to me and wrap me up in a giant hug. A quiet giggle even escapes my lips at their actions.

"I like the look. It works really well for you." Hoseok compliments with a small smile before a quiet blush creeps up his cheeks.

"Thanks." I answer softly, keeping my head down. The two boys have their arms slung over my shoulders as we walk down the hall.

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