"is there anything you would like to talk about?" I looked over to her in the front seat before turning my eyes back to the road.

"like what?" she shrugged.

"anything you want." I replied.

"erm, do you like being an android?"

I thought for a moment.

"I belive so. But, I have have never been human so I can't really judge" Charlie looked out of the window.
I cleared my throat.

"would you like to hear a joke?" I smiled to myself.

"erm, sure"

"why can't you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom?" I turned to her she shrugged.

"I don't know"

"because the P is silent" I smirked

"oh Connor no" she put her head in her hands

"iv got another one, what's an androids favourite type of music?"

"please stop"

"heavy metal"

Charlie started to groan even though she was smiling.

"why did the android go back to school?"

"Connor! Please I can't" Charlie said breaking into laughter.

"because he was a little rusty."

Charlie shook her head, as she continued to chuckle

"OK, one more. What drink do you give an android to lose them up"

She shook her head.

"a screwdriver"

We pulled up outside the house, Charlie stopped laughing, bringing her legs up to her chest.

"what is my mom going to say?"

"I don't know" I answered honestly. "but she loves you" Charlie looked at me for a moment.

"thanks Connor" she mumbled before leaving the car. I joined her only to be met at the door by Jayne. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, her skin pale.

"Jayne? What's going on are you alright?" I said starting to panic.

"she's fine, we are going out we will be back soon" Grace called pushing Jayne out of the door and into Grace's car.

"Charlie stay here with Connor" she called back before getting into the car herself. Before I could say anything Grace drove off disappearing out of view.



I stared down at the five pink sticks. Two lines all of them! How?! This had to be a mistake.

I leaned on the pharmacy bathroom counter. This can't be real.

"what? What do I do now?" I said quietly.

"you need to see a Doctor" Grace started.
Connor how was I suppost to tell Connor? What do I even tell him? This can't happen? But it is happening? Well something is at least.

"Jayne, look I'm going to ask you this again. It's OK but have you slept with anyone else?"

"there's only Connor."i said putting my face in my hands.

" so, so what is this a Deviant thing? Can deviants make babies now somehow? " Grace joined me at the counter.

" this has to be a mistake" I started

"you have taken five tests Jayne, six if you count the one you took at home. Either way something is going on and you need to see a doctor. And you need to tell Connor, and possibly Hank"

Oh god I hadn't even thought of Hank.

"no, no I'm not telling anyone yet. I can't, how do I even explain this?" my Brain was stuck. None of this made any sense.

"Jayne seriously, you need to see a doctor. Call them now book an appointment get checked today."

"yeah, yeah they can do blood tests and stuff right check this is real?" I said my head clearing slightly. I still had to tell Connor. I couldn't keep something like this from him.

We stood in silence for a long while.

"how am I going to tell Connor, this, this is insane!" I sniffed tears starting to fall from my face

"its ok, he loves you he will understand" she pulled me into a hug "let me call the doctor from the car" I nodded I wanted to get home get back to Connor.


Grace made me an appointment for later that day. I was surprised that they would be open with all the government shut down stuff.

I looked to the house what was I going to say. I got out of the car and walked toward the door, opening it.

"Charlie, your mom's waiting in the car" I called out.

"are, are you alright aunt Jayne?" Charlie asked as she came into view.

"I'm fine kiddo, you just get yourself home" I said guiding her out closing the door behind her. Connor stepped out from. The kitchen.

"Jayne what's going on?" he said joining me in the living room I sat down on the coffee table

"Connor, would you come sit down please"

He obeyed sitting in front of me his hands in his lap, eyes full of worried.
I reached out taking his hands in mine

"Connor I have something to tell you, and I don't know how you will react because I don't even know how to react right now. Because none of it makes any sense" I felt tears prickling my eyes. He gripped my hands.

"Jayne tell me, please your scaring me"

"Connor I'm pregnant. I don't know how. But I am"

He just looked at me his led stuck on yellow. He didn't say anything for a long time. A very long time.

"I, I don't, I don't understand" he said finally.

"I don't either" I replied plainly. I couldn't tell how he was feeling right now.

"I'm an android. I can't get you pregnant."

"I know. Connor I promises you there has been no one else. I don't know what's happening" I looked at him begging him to believe me.

"I know Jayne. I know you wouldn't do that, but how? Are you sure?"

I produced the six pregnancy tests and handed them to him he just stared at them as he sat back into the sofa. Again he didn't say anything for a long time.

"iv made an appointment with the doctor. I, don't. I mean I wanted to make sure you know. But I have no idea were to go from there"

He still didn't say anything. He just stared at the tests in his hand.

"Connor please, say something"

"its ok. We, we will see what the doctor says. This must just be a mistake and error somewhere" he nodded to himself. "Jayne this is not happening OK. It's impossible"

"I know" I agreed.

But how?


So guys I quit my job today. I have been messed about by this company forever and today I walked out holding my middle finger high! Don't get me wrong I'm terrified iv never quit a place before. So expect some better content from me i feel like the last few chapters havnt been the best I can write, but now it's onwards and upwards

Peace bitches! ✌️

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