I clenched my jaw at the word he used. 'Girlfriend'?!Are you fucking kidding me!? He tried to fucking assault her and have the audacity to say that?!

"She's my fucking business," I said coldly before punching him and I can't stop myself from beating him. But I tried to stop. I shouldn't kill him.

"Oh, my heart hurts so good. I love you, babe, so bad, so bad," She sang as she Iooked at me. And I looked back at her intensely as I can't help but to look at her.

Damn, she's now my girlfriend.

I can't help but to smirked because she never realised that she said the l word. After my smirk, she looked at me like she's figuring out what am I looking at.

"What?" She asked distractedly and trying to figure out me but I know she couldn't. i chuckled at her reaction.

And you need to know that I'm hella obsessed with your face, your face.

"Nothing," I said while my lips are pursed. I looked at our hands intertwined and I can't stop looking at her.

Damn, she's so fucking beautiful. She's my girlfriend and up until now I couldn't believe it.

"Whatever messed up issue I have and whatever shit my family done or has done or will do to this town or you or our friends. I can't let myself go down there with you. I am so sorry." She said turning away.

Damn, she's nreaking up with me and I didn't know the fucking reason why. And I don't know how to fucking make her stay with me.

"So, it's all true?" I said like I couldn't believe it. The fact that she lied to me makes me angry. Because I am willing to leave the Serpents just for her because I believe her completely.

"Yes, Jughead. I'm sorry," The way she said, I snapped. I know there could be a reason why she's doing this. There must be a reason.

"The Pop's and Twilight Drive-In? Trailer Park and Southside High? And The Register??? You lied to me?" I asked sounding calm but shocked and angered in my voice can't be hidden. I am trying to get the answer I want.

Yes, I am mad but I can't be. I am fucking in love with her and I know that she's lying just to protect me or not involved me in something. I think this is his Father's idea.

And I want to know that even if she lied to me I am willing to accept her again if she just tell me the truth right now that her father didn't do all of those heinous crime.

"Yes," The moment she said yes, I cursed. Fuck. I can't believe it. It's all fucking true. Wow just wow.

"This is how it ends, huh. I believed you but you deceived me." I said in disgusted tone out of my anger and hurt in my pride then I added, "I am willing to left Serpents for you but I guess you're not worth it."

Yes. I said to them that I will confront Veronica and ask him about the Southside High but I guess I already know the answer.

The Serpents need me. "Everything's clear to me that it came to your own mouth. Where's your 'Us against the world', huh? I don't even know if the whole time we're together is a lie too." I sneered and I walk away to fix the problem with the Ghoulies.

Ghoulies first then I will be back to get Veronica Lodge. I can't let her go. Not like this. I don't want to let her go but maybe just a week and I will be back chasing her.

"Hiram's dead. It's all over the news, man. They fucking killed him and frame him up," Archie barged in the Whyte Wyrm our basement in Southside. We're here to celebrate our victory over the fight with the Ghoulies.

the bad boy and i ; jughead x veronica ; jeronica ; vughead Where stories live. Discover now