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~~~ One ~~~

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~~~ One ~~~

Eunhye gnawed at her bottom lip in concentration as she flipped through the Japanese novel, looking for a certain quote that she adored. She had recently been learning Japanese, after learning English, and was slowly making her way through a Japanese novel to familiarise herself with the language.

When she learned a new word, she wrote it down in her notebook so she wouldn't forget it.

It was working well until the library started getting more packed, her palms getting sweatier the more people sat near her. However, when the sexiest man she'd ever seen in her life hesitantly sat in front of her and sent her a dimpled smile, she was sweating for a whole different reason.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" He asked quietly and she didn't trust her voice so she just shyly nodded her head, blushing and looking down at her notebook. He seemed to have a Japanese Novel too, Kafka on the Shore, one of her favourites. His wrist was adorned in silver chains, his long slender fingers dancing along the pages, and when she moved her gaze to his face she locked eyes with him. He had large framed glasses on that somehow made him look even hotter if that was possible.

She couldn't seem to pull her eyes away and he smirked a little, his dimples showing once again, and she clenched her thighs together. He noticed.

Eunhye wasn't a stranger to one night stands and random hookups, but this was a library and she hadn't uttered a word to him as of yet. That was until he got up from his seat carefully, and made his way around the table to her. She would've called it elegant if he didn't trip on the table leg and almost throw himself onto the table in front of her, though she wouldn't mind that either. He then sat down next to her nonchalantly and sent her another dimpled smile before going back to what he was doing.

"You can take a picture if you want, so you don't hurt your neck," he lowly spoke, referring to the way she was still staring at his side profile as if he was a god. He looked like one, that's for sure.

"I'd rather see the real thing, thanks," She replied and internally cringed at her attempt in flirting, though it seemed to spark something in him because he smirked again and turned so his entire face was in view. Their legs were firmly pressed together and he held his book delicately in one hand, the other hand had his head resting in its palm,

"This way I can stare back at you," He replied and she blushed, looking down at her hands and breaking the short amount of eye contact they held. When she looked back up, to see if he had looked away, they caught eyes again but he was a lot closer than before, "I'm Namjoon,"

"Did you mean, Daddy?" She spoke her thoughts out loud and somehow it turned the once confident man into a blushing state,

"I wasn't expecting that response," he mumbled and she couldn't help but giggle a little at how he went from Sex God to Cute Nerd in seconds.

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