Someone Like You

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"Well fine, two can play at that game, see if we care, right Osc?" Oscar grunts in agreement and slams the door, and our response is the sound of wheels screeching away.

We certainly were not a distraction, I'll tell you now, I don't know what Xavi and Viv were saying. Just because we were very loudly playing a game of iSpy when they realised there was no parking at Buckingham was no real reason to kick us out the car. That was their problem, not ours. Either way, Oscar and I are now alone in front of Buckingham, and they're planning on parking on a nearby street, I think, that's what I picked up from their conversation, I wasn't really listening. I play iSpy to win.

I'm about to carry on with a new round but it appears that Oscar has already gone. I have a good look around and see him halfway across the parking lot. He turns back and calls to me.

"Look Is! They've got that really cool equipment I was telling you about the other day!" Of course I should have remembered Oscar's weird obsession with construction equipment. Viv claims it's probably caused by Oscar's love of making things, but he thinks it's from watching this old British TV show 'Bob the Builder' loads as a kid. So I know that as soon as he makes it over to the equipment he'll be gone for the next hour. So I just give him a little salute and a thumbs up and stride inside the building. Looking at my watch, I know Noah won't be here for another half an hour at least, because you see I always cater for him being late, it's such a given, so I decide I might as well have some fun and investigate Buckingham. Maybe they have a cool indoor theatre that I can get into. Or some snazzy decor for an Instagram shot.

The plan goes to shit when I get lost. Every corridor just looks the exact same, it's bloody ridiculous. All that money and they can't mix up the colour of the walls just a little bit? Even Ranelagh has some fun posters up around the school, but here there are just endless trophy cabinets and clinical walls. I do see Elijah and Lachlan's pictures in multiple cabinets, giving dazzling smiles. Even Sadie won a local poetry competition by the looks of it. Aw, she's really cute, she's hugging her friend and grinning at the camera. But even those photos get lost in the corridors. There's no escape. I may die here. Or worse, have to ask for help.

I spot a small cohort of guys loitering by the lockers and decide it's time. I need to be at this presentation on time, nay, early. Tardiness got me in all this shit, it's sure as hell not going to get me out.

Boldly, I approach and tap one of them on the shoulder. They spin around and give me a long look up and down. Hm, a bit judgy, but whatever. Just be civil.

"Hey, could you help me please, I'm a bit lost, I'm looking for C112." What kind of stupid classroom name, sounds like a character in Star Wars. I sneak a look at the others while I wait for the answer. Oh for fuck's sake. Chet's here. Looking at me like I'm stalking him or something. As if. He'd be lucky.

The boy that I actually asked starts to answer, giving me a bit of a pitiful look. But before I can get enough of an answer to leave, Chet slowly walks forwards, raising his hand to get the other boy to stop, which he does.

"Look who it is, boys. Zack."

"Isaac." I correct him. I don't know why I correct him, it never goes well for me when I talk back but I guess it's my arrogance making an appearance. The boys just stare me down. They didn't see too unfriendly before, but they clearly have a problem with 'Zack.' I don't know what the boy did, but it's enough for them to all sneer at him.

"Oh, it is?"

The fucker. He remembers my name. But it's going to take a lot more than him calling me Zack to get under my skin. Even if he is now clenching and unclench his fists, moving towards me still. Ok that's getting under my skin just a smidge. Ok quite a bit. He's a brute.

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