Suit Boy

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"Welcome to Ranelagh, Buckingham students." Talins smiles, but it's about as genuine as my love for gym class. "Today is the day. You will be collecting your baby. Not only will you need to name your child, but you will also need to assign what your roles as parents will be."

Principal Mortimor leaps up enthusiastically, and declares "Let's get this show on the road! Everyone find your partners!" Clearly interrupting Talins, who looks furious, but doesn't say anything. I wonder who's in charge of this operation. Watching Mortimor bounce around is entertainment in itself. Didn't realise we were on a gameshow. I snigger, causing Xavier to throw me a weird look. If only he heard it, he would've sniggered as well. If this whole school thing doesn't quite work out, at least I can turn to comedy.

There is minimal movement as no one wants to make the first effort across the hall. I look over at the posh-o's, to say they look nervous would be a complete understatement. Like I'm talking, understatement of the century. Honestly. We aren't allll armed and dangerous. Only some. A select few.

Still nothing is happening, so I decide to take matters into my own hands. I pop up, like a lil meerkat. I impress myself (and the others) by finding Suit Boy in the crowd, straight away. Like a boss. Noah does a double take, and turns to one of his friends, who pushes him towards the middle. I bound towards the middle too, never breaking eye contact with him. There's still silence as I start to speak. You know what they say, the world is your stage.

"Noah! Darling! Oh how I've missed your beautiful face!" I take his face in my hands and pinch his cheeks.

"It's been literally a day." He mutters, so only I can hear. He plasters on a fake smile, almost as fake as the 'Gucci' bags that half the girls carry. It fools no one. Well, apart from Mortimor. I'm almost blinded by his radiant smile.

"Leading by example, Holmes! That's exactly what I like to see!" He gestures for us to walk towards the front, where I can see endless bags of flour. My child! We start to move forward, but I realise I'm walking far quicker than Noah, so I slow my pace to meet his. Only for him to then slow down a little more. I slow down again. Two can play at this game. He slows down, and at this point progress is practically non-existent. Everyone watches. Noah actually stops. So do I. We look each other up and down. Noah sighs, almost inaudibly, then starts to walk again, at a similar speed to me originally.

"Anything not to walk with me, I get it." Oops. I don't mean to say it out loud, but I'm sure it's quiet enough that Noah doesn't hear. We finally reach the front, and I let Noah collect the bag of flour. Not the one I would have chosen, personally, but eh. No biggie.

We begin to make our way out of the room, and I can hear the shuffling of the feet and the scraping of chairs. Looks like we got the ball rolling at least. The walk isn't long, but it's slightly uncomfortable. Maybe it's because neither of us speaks. I gesture to an empty classroom and we walk in.


I think I may have fucked things up a bit there. It doesn't take a genius to work out that Isaac is upset about the walking thing, especially when he muttered to himself. I didn't catch the words, but I caught the vibe.

The thing is, it wasn't about him. I just got in my own head again. I just got this weird feeling, walking down the middle at the same place. With all those eyes on us. On me. It was like I was getting married or some shit. And I definitely had cold feet. I just felt really uncomfortable, so I walked behind to give me a bit more time to get my thoughts together. Which as always, is difficult. Especially when Isaac stood up first. In front of everyone. That was just unnecessary. I take my time, he seems to run from it. Moving at a million miles an hour. But regardless, it seemed like I didn't want to walk with him for whatever reason. Well, I should probably try and move us on.

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