He's Scary, Man

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On a scale from Sport to Latin, Economics sits about halfway. As a subject, it sucks. But I have the whole gang with me which makes things ten times more entertaining. Mr. Dask even lets us all sit together, which is rare, we're normally separated. Especially Lachlan and Elijah, they've reduced teachers to frustrated tears before. They just wouldn't stop acting like they believed the world as flat. They kept it up for months, no teacher could break them. So now they're pretty much at the front of every classroom. But not here. We're all sat in a row, apart from Sadie, who moved to get a window seat. Perfect for a game of Chinese Whispers, although I personally choose to mess it up every time. It's just funnier, really.

I'm about to start one off, but Alexis is gesturing wildly to us from her window seat. We all smirk but don't pay that much attention.. She nearly always does it, there's probably a really cute boy or puppy outside. And while I'm always up for seeing cute dogs, there's only so many cute boys I can pretend to be excited to see. Apart from that one boy. We only ever saw him once but man oh man, he was a genetic abomination in the best possible way. He won at life, just for having that face.

"Guys, guys." Lexi whispers.

"What?" Elijah whispers back from my other side. He doesn't look up from the game of noughts and crosses we're playing. He's won the past 8 games, I just can't seem to figure out how he's doing it.

"Mr Tidworth, were you saying the answer by any chance?" Of course Mr. Dask would pick up on Elijah talking but not Lexi. She can get away with murder.

"Of course sir, it's gross profit." Elijah replies lazily, not missing a beat. He even simultaneously wins our game. Fuck this magical human being. Mr. Dask mutters irritably but lets him off, because of course the answer's right.

"Listen!" Alexis speaks a bit louder, a bit more urgent. "Brody Montgomery's got into another fight! Some juniors by the looks of it. He's kicking their asses! It looks serious."

Lachlan leans over on her desk then turns back, eyes wide. He looks a bit squeamish, face pale.
"There's blood."

Sat behind Lexi, Sadie's eyes are glued to the whole thing with a concerning fascination.

"All I can make out is one boy on the floor and Brody stood over him, beating the shit out of some people." She recounts it to us. I'm desperate to see. One, because I'm curious, two because I'm worried. I don't want Isaac anywhere near a violent person. And this is sounding pretty violent person behaviour.

"Damn it, Brody." I hear Elijah utter under his breath. He sticks his hand up.

"Sir, please may I use the bathroom?"

"Fine, Mr. Tidworth, but be quick."

Elijah shoots me a look I can't quite decipher and strides out the room after collecting a hall pass.

"Uh, sir, can I go too?" I feebly ask.

He looks at me with disappointment. "Are you really that glued to his hip, Mr Holmes?" My cheeks burn, but I really want to get out of here.

"Yes." That caught him off-guard. But it's not enough, I can tell.

"Well, you can go when he comes back."

Fuck. Seth and Sadie rolls their eyes at me simultaneously then turn back to the window.

"Nice one, No."

I just give them a finger and wriggle about in my seat, trying to get a better look. If I really strain, I can see the top of their heads. Brody's sure picked one hell of a fight that's for sure, I can count nine or ten faces.

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