That's Why We Leave Our Shoes On

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Don't be nervous Isaac. Be cool, be suave. I've walked myself over to Brody Montgomery's house. And I'm positively freaking out. I mean we've been texting sure, maybe even flirting, but my flirting is a bit questionable if you ask me, it's normally just Brody saying something ever so slightly sexy and me talking to him for about 10 minutes about how much I love watermelon. We haven't properly hung out yet (you see, I'm trying very hard to forget about the other night).

I reach the front door and am faced with an ostentatious door knocker. The lion's face stares straight back at me. I go to reach up to knock on the door, when out of the corner of my eye I see a doorbell, thank the lord, that door knocker looks heavy AF. I ring the doorbell instead, hearing a faint tune play from inside the house. After a few seconds, no one has opened the door, which is strange, he's definitely expecting me, he sent me his address and everything. Oh god. What if I've got the wrong house? Let's face it, I never have been good with directions. After a moment of panicking, I realise that this is for sure the right house, Noah did say it was his that one time. Maybe I didn't press it hard enough? I press it again, harder this time. And before I know it, I'm pressing the bell to the tune of All Star by Smash Mouth. It's in Shrek, what can I say? Bet you're humming it right now too.

Before I can get to the second verse, the door swings open and a grumpy and disheveled looking Brody appears in front of me. He's definitely got bed hair and his sweatpants are sitting dangerously low on his hips. Don't get me started on the two sizes too small T-shirt.

"Please for the love of God, stop that." He whispers in a croaky voice. Yep, I, Isaac le Roux have just woken Brody Montgomery up from a nap. His hand reaches for mine and he pulls me inside.

"What are you doing?" He looks at me.

"I'm taking my shoes off, what does it look like?" I respond, looking up at him from where I've plonked myself down on the floor, "Like my socks?" I wriggle my toes at him. They've got Spongebob and Patrick on them.

"Yes, but why?" He asks, he doesn't acknowledge my socks. Rude.

"The floors are really shiny and clean." I stare up at him as if it's the most obvious thing in the entire world. Honestly, this boy. 

He walks off, leaving me behind. I figure he'll stop and wait for me, but nope he carries on and disappears around the corner. So, I'm left in this huge, grand entrance hall, with about ten corridors leading off into different areas of the house. And not to mention the bloody huge staircase that crowds the hall. Shit. I nibble on my thumb again, wincing slightly when I pull away at some skin.

"My dear, are you lost?" A gentle voice suddenly breaks the silence. I swivel around, there is a petite woman watching me curiously from across the hall.

"Um, Brody, yes I am los- ,with Brody. I'm Brody's friend?" It comes out as a question. Well that wasn't embarrassing at all. It would appear that in my flustered state, I've lost the ability to form a coherent sentence. Fabulous. She doesn't say anything, just continues to watch me, perhaps she thinks I'm going to say something else. So I decide to introduce myself.

"I'm Isaac." I point to myself. What an absolute moron, I run my hands down my face and groan in a dramatic fashion. When I have finished, I look at her and she's concealing a little smile.

"You're looking for Brody?" She asks me softly.

"Mmhhmm." Great, now I can't even form words.

She nods her head and her eyes look behind me. I turn around and there he is. Leaning on the wall, clearly amused, having probably watched the whole ordeal. I look back at her and she mouths 'sorry' but she doesn't look very apologetic, in fact the small smile from earlier isn't quite so small now. She hurries off into another room. I can feel my cheeks getting redder. I slowly turn around staring at the floor and shuffle towards him.

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