Ever Since Day One

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"But it's still two days away!" I whine, throwing my arms up in the arm. I just want to chill out, watch a few films, have a good time. Not practice for a presentation. Especially when Isaac's being such a slave driver over it.

"There's no time limit on perfection!" Isaac retaliates.

I throw a desperate look to Oscar and Sadie who are sat with us on the sofa but they're too engrossed in conversation to save me. Elijah just chuckles from the armchair in the corner.

"It's scary how seriously you're taking this presentation." He shakes his head in amazement.

"There's nothing scary about responsible parenting, Elijah." Isaac looks affronted, giving everyone a look, a look that's equal parts disapproving of them and proud of us. It's quite an accomplishment.

"Do you want to tell them it's a fake baby or should I?" Elijah shoots us both an exasperated look. Viv lightly hits him on the shoulder and smiles.

"I think it's good, they're definitely getting that A."

"Damn right."

If we get anything less than an A+, we've been completely robbed. That's just a fact. A fact that makes Isaac smile every time I mention it.

"Not if we don't get practising soon, come on Noah, let's go!" Isaac's hand locks in mine at a speed I don't quite understand. Either way, he's pulling me out the door. I only have time to call to Elijah:

"5pm, Eli. Black tie!"

I can't see him, so I'll have to take it as a yes.


When we get back to mine, Isaac makes himself completely at home as usual. Splaying out on the couch, he lets his legs dangle off the edge and wriggles his toes. He's wearing his Sandy from Spongebob socks.

I waltz into the kitchen, grab some pretzels and drinks and lie down on the floor. I stretch and grab all our presentation supplies out of my backpack and spread them out, plucking out what I need, then look to Isaac.

"Are you sure you don't want flashcards?" I grip onto mine tightly.

"No need, I'm an actor. Everything I need is right up here." He taps his heads and gives me a knowing look. Hm, that reminds me.

"How is theatre going?" I ask.

I know he's excited because his toes move even more quickly.

"Really good! It's not long now before the big show, I can't wait! It's going to be my moment to shine like the star I am!" He pulls a pose, sticking both legs right in the air. If my phone was closer I'd take a picture, but laziness outweighs the benefits.

"Isn't every moment your moment?" I reply snarkily.

"But this is different. This is the first time I have the lead in a show! It's a really big deal. You've checked that you can make it right?"

"Yep, Mom put it straight on the calendar so I won't forget. Also the others said they'd love to be there if that's okay?"

"Of course! Eek, this is all very exciting. But we can't think about that, we have a presentation to practice. And that's equally as important. You know how much this means to me."

I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. It must be nice having a passion. And of course I know about the presentation, he yaps on about it constantly. Making his mom proud, getting his first A, doing better than the jerks in his class that broke his fingers. Not to mention the time he explained how really this presentation was really a symbol of our entire friendship and everything we've been through. Needless to say, he's laid the pressure on thick. It's stressing me out. I groan.

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