Who's Next?

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Isaac 3:03

You know Brody really well, right??

Elijah 3:03

yeah, what's up, where are u?

Isaac 3:04

I spoke to Chet.

Isaac 3:05

How many boys has Brody been with?

Elijah 3:06

u know not to believe anything that comes out of his mouth

Elijah 3:06

for the record, ur the only one

I know I'm making a big deal out of this. It's not that I don't trust Brody, I do. But Chet has a way of making me question everything. After all, he has been friends with Brody for years. He knows him better than I do. And it's one thing for Chet to say that, but that other boy, what reason did he have to fabricate an entire story? He has no reason to hate me. And he was so convincing, he could've been lying, but I'm an actor and I think I'm pretty good at spotting lies. But Elijah's just told me that Chet was lying and I believe him. So what does that say about me? Shit.

Isaac 3:07

Okay. I've missed the presentation, haven't I?

Elijah 3:07

yeah i think ur gonna have to talk to Noah.

Isaac 3:07

Did Brody give him my message?

Elijah 3:09

he's not here

But I asked him to give Noah the message.

"What the fuck." Noah's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up relieved to finally see him so I can explain. But judging by the tone of his voice and the look that he's giving me, I don't think it's going to go very well. He walks towards me, fists clenched.

"I can explain." I say as I get up off of his doorstep.

He doesn't say anything, just gives me another look, one I can't quite decipher. I can't tell if it's a 'shut up' look' or a 'keep talking' look. So I just stand there with my mouth gaping open.

"Well, what are you waiting for then?" He snaps after a long silence. It was probably only seconds but it felt like hours.

I don't quite know where to start. "Oh you know... there was this thing,—" I get that lurching feeling, the one where you have a compelling line of thought, but the words just won't slot into place. I try anyways, "—with Brody and Ch—" He cuts me off.

"Brody? Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, no no, Brody did nothing wrong. At least I don't think he has." I nod decisively. Chet was just messing with me, Brody's worth the risk, I trust him and Elijah. A small part of me settles.

"I couldn't give two shits about what he's done or not. This isn't about him. This is about you, and how you completely abandoned me. Because of him." He spits out the last word as if it disgusts him. I'm not about to point out the contradiction in that sentence. He takes a step out of my reach. My outstretched hand falls to my side.

"I'm really sorry Noey, everything got overwhelming and I just had to get out." My arms flail around in desperation. How can I get him to understand that I didn't want to ditch him but I panicked?

Trip Hazardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن