I Think I Peed A Little

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Three days. Three days since that park incident. Three days since I've seen Noah. Three days since Brody gave me his number. Noah and I have been texting which is a good sign I suppose, I'm seeing him later, after school.

I haven't really told the gang what happened the other day. Just that Noah and I were at the park with Phoebe, when these hoodlums approached us but Brody was there to fend them off and he gave us his number as a result. I left out the beating up part, for obvious reasons. They didn't question the bruise from 'tripping over the sidewalk.'

"Just text him Isaac." Viv says rolling her eyes at me.

"Yeah or just play hard to get." Oscar chimes in, throwing a wink in my direction for good measure.

"It's kinda difficult to play hard to get, when you're already hard to want." I reply with a laugh. But I don't think they're buying it.

"Oh, stop that you moron." Viv responds looking at me with a look that's like 'if you don't snap out of that right now I will climb over this table and throttle you.' It's one of my personal favorites, I must admit.

"Okay, okay." I sigh dramatically.

"Have you text him yet Isaac?" Xavier's voice cuts my dramatic sigh short. He's late out of English literature, which means he probably got cornered by the abundance of girls who constantly swoon over him just because he knows who Emily Bronte is. He smoothly sits down next to Viv, opposite Oscar and me.

When I don't say anything, Viv replies for me. "No. He hasn't."

"Just say 'hello' or something keep it simple." Oscar turns to me and offers an encouraging smile.

"I can't just say 'hello'. This is Brody Montgomery we're talking about here."

"Yeah, and?" Viv asks looking confused.

"Noah said he's like the richest person around." I look at them but their expressions haven't changed so I add "And he's fucking scary looking." Still nothing. Wow. Tough crowd. I give it one more shot, I lean in towards them, "He went to juvie." I whisper dramatically for effect.

"What for?" Xavier asks calmly.

"Umm, well, I'm not quite sure actually." I furrow my eyebrows, man I'm gonna have to ask Noah about that one.

"Great Isaac's crushing on a delinquent. Couldn't you have at least found one at this school? Let alone one from Buckingham." Oscar laughs. I don't miss the look that Viv and Xavier share, when they think I'm not looking. I want to tell them that it's ok, that I'm over it. That we can joke about it now. But I think he hurt them a lot too and knowing that, it crushes me.

Oscar catches on relatively quickly. Well for him at least. He nudges me with his elbow, when I look at him he looks pained.

"Isaac, I'm sorry." He whispers apologetically.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about Osc." I look at him and smile he instantly looks relieved, he smiles back with his huge cheesy grin.

"Okay, Okay I've got it, why don't I just say 'hey'." I declare confidently.

"So, you won't say 'hello' but you will say 'hey,' they're not different at all." Viv says, she couldn't sound more sarcastic or look more puzzled if she tried.

"Hey, sounds more, casual and cool, ya know?" I ask no one in particular.

"Of which you are neither." Xavier smirks at me. I shoot him a glare.

"Anyway." I make a point by not looking at Xavier, just Viv and Oscar. I bring up Brody's name and start typing 'hey'.

"Shall I put some cheeky emojis at the end?" I grin at the others.

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