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Before you judge me, I'm only late to meet Noah because I wanted to pick up some flowers for him as a thank you for the presentation. It's tomorrow. I know he's only working on it this hard because it means a lot to me. So I clutch my bouquet of flowers eagerly as I push open the cafe door.

Noah's sat in our usual nook, so I can only see his side profile. He's talking to the bookcase it looks like. I know he spends at least 40% of his time talking to himself, so at this point I'm not even surprised. I just watch him intently as I bound over. Aw, he's so cute. I wonder what he's talking about it.

"Sorry I'm late!"

He looks really surprised to see me. Honestly. I hardly blend in. He grins at me anyway and accepts the pink roses, flushing a similar colour.

"Isaac! Hey, this is Kyle, the guy from the rink I told you about, I bumped into him when I was waiting for you!" He beams and points across the table. So he wasn't just speaking to himself, what a relief. I just thought he was a weirdo. I spin and grin at Noah's new friend.

Vincent Gianni smiles back.

"Nice to meet you, Isaac."

My heart falls out my chest but my smile doesn't slip. No. He's meant to be gone. Vincent can't be here. Certainly not sat less than a meter in front of me with Noah. What the fuck.

My eyes dart around the room for some kind of rescue. I risk a look to Noah, who's admiring the flowers. I'm desperate for him to rescue me, to get me out of here, but he won't. It's not his fault, Vinnie's lied to him too. Shit, he doesn't even know who Vincent is. Who he's hurt. How he's hurt us.

"C'mon Isaac, you gonna sit down or what?" Noah smiles at me, slightly confused, and gestures to the empty seat between them. Every muscle in my body wants to run in the opposite direction, but I can't, just calmly sit down, smiling. I angle my body slightly towards Noah.

"I'll go grab you a drink Is, the usual?" Noah offers, getting to his feet.

Please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me.

I swallow so hard it hurts and force my smile wider.

"I'm not that thirsty, Noah, but thanks. Maybe later." I pray that Noah leaves it at that but he doesn't.

"Liar, I'll go get it now." Noah walks over, taking the flowers and starts chatting to Marcus behind the counter energetically. I watch him the entire way, then fix my eyes on a spot straight ahead of me. Don't look at him. Especially not those eyes. The colour of the oak wood bench from our first date at that roller rink. The jellyfish blue of his left eye is incredible, but it was in the depths of the brandy colour that I fell in love. Even clear and devoid of emotion, they have the power to tear me in two. (Not to mention those thick, long eyelashes that I've always been jealous of.)

"Still have a double shot of vanilla?" Vincent lifts one corner of his mouth into a lazy smile. I bite my lip. That's the first thing he says to me after almost a year?

I wasn't planning on responding, I promise, but I know if I don't reply he'll talk more, and that's even worse. I know it's a bad idea, giving him attention is just what he wants. Always has been. But I do it anyway. I throw him an unwavering look, full of conviction I don't have.

"No, I don't like the taste anymore." I lie.

"Shame." He answers, not sounding particularly bothered. I know that right about now I should be looking away, but I can't seem to shift my gaze. Time hasn't changed him like it's changed me.

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