Goodbye Dad-40

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  Dear Dad, I've already said goodbye to you a long time ago, but I still want to write you a letter just like Mom.

I wish you'd never died.

I wish we were playing football in the backyard right now, but we aren't. We can't.

Remember when we used to go with Dawson to look at the sunset at the edge of that huge cliff near our house? Remember how I used to be so scared I'd fall and die?

That's quite ironic now, because I'm actually about to jump off that same cliff and die, just as my fears had been.

I'm so sorry.

Even though you're not here to experience it, I know you would have been so sad and angry at yourself if you were.

God, I'm so sorry, Dad, that I didn't stop you from going out that day. I'm sorry I didn't go with you.

I'm so sorry.

Ignore the tear stains on this paper. I'm fine, or I will be as soon as I'm dead.

Goodbye, Dad. I love you.

Love, Kindley.

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