Dear Dawson-8

101 4 0

May 18.

Dear Dawson, I love when it snows. Maybe I never told you that, or maybe I did and I just don't remember. It really doesn't matter now, does it?

I love when it snows mainly because snow actually absorbs sound and everything kind of gets a little more quiet when it snows. It all seems calm and peaceful and almost magical.

Until the snow melts.

Then, everything goes back to normal. Everyone goes back to their normal routines. Kids go to school and adults go to work again. No more peacefulness and magical quiet, just the normal chaos.

There are even moments like that in life- snow moments.

Moments where everything bad in life just seems forgotten for even just a split second, and I can forget your beautiful, silver eyes and how I can never have them for myself. I love those moments. I cherish them, in fact.

Although most of the dance was just me being jealous of Amanda, some of it was actually good. I had some snow moments.

Like, when Conner tripped and accidentally brought me down with him. We laughed for hours after that.

Snow moment.

Or when I shoved some cupcake in his face. That was hilarious.

Snow moment.

As much as I hate to admit it, I may actually like Conner a little.

Just a little.

Not a lot.

But just a little.

I just hope I can forget you, because it's clear you've already forgotten me.


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