Dear Dawson- 13

58 5 2

May 28.

  Dear Dawson, you're lovely.

Everything about you is lovely from your relentless freckles to your shaggy hair and your silver eyes.

I could sit and stare at you for hours.

I say a lot of nice things to you, but you've never returned the favor.

I don't think it's necessarily your job to, but it would be nice if someone would make me feel beautiful.

Just for a day.

Just once.

It would be simply amazing if someone would tell me my eyes are mesmerizing and beautiful too.

It would be unbelievable if someone would tell me I'm the most beautiful girl on the planet and I should never, ever change at all.

Someone should tell me I'm perfect so I'll believe it.

But no one will.

Because I'm not.

And that is how this works.


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