Dear Dawson-6

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May 15.

  Dear Dawson, something big happened today. Really big.

You see, I arrived at school a little earlier than usual, because Connor said he wanted to "hang out" before class. I was totally up for that, of course. You know me, I love a good time, but I didn't know what was going to happen. No, I'm not saying Connor is unattractive or I wouldn't totally fall in love with him in a world without you, but the point is that you exist in this world. That changes everything.

When I arrived at school finally, I immediately saw Conner waiting for me in the front yard of the school. He looked nervous, which was weird considering he's never like that. He's always confident, and if he's ever nervous, it doesn't show. It was odd to see him like that. I walked over to him with a comforting smile, and when he saw me, he smiled a little. He had flowers in his hand, beautiful roses of all different colors.

Oh, those must be for the girl he's asking to the dance.

"Hey," I was the first to speak, "what's up?" He smiled at me nervously before replying.

"I-uh- I actually wanted to ask you something," he nervously stuttered, seemingly lost for words. He still seemed nervous.

"Okay," I warily replied, wondering what was so important that he wanted to ask me, "what is it?" There was a long moment of awkward silence before he asked a simple question that left me completely speechless.

"Will you be my date to the dance?"

It felt like all of the breath that was formally in my lungs suddenly left without a trace, leaving me with nothing to cling to. I thought we were friends, just friends. That's all I wanted.

No, no, no! This can't be happening!

I'd finally made a new friend and was starting to forget about you once and for all, and now, it felt like that one friend was being taken away from me. I couldn't let that happen. I needed him.


Who knew one simple word could cause such an excited reaction? Connor's face slowly morphed into excitement, and before I knew it, he slung his arm around me as if we were a couple or something. It felt like such an uncomfortable and unnecessary gesture, like he was just doing it for show. Maybe he was.

I don't know why he would, though, I'm not really anything to show off. Maybe he just didn't want me to run off or something. I'm pretty fast, after all.

So, yeah, I have a date to the dance.

I just wish the date was you, Dawson.


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