Dear Dawson-34

45 4 0

January 35.

Dear Dawson, my smile is fake. It's been fake for as long as I can remember and no one noticed. No one.

I just really wished someone would notice for once that I'm suffering like they do with others.

I wish someone would see how my smile never reached my eyes or see that there is no twinkle in my eye at all.

I'm not happy no matter how much I wished I was, no matter how hard I try to portray things as if I am.

I'm just not, and i don't know why. Everyone else is.

I can't really blame anyone for not taking notice to these things. I guess I'm just a good actor.

I don't know what to do. I don't see a point in pretending anymore.

I don't see a point in living anymore.

Why should I?


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