087. peter parker

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I M A G I N E . . .


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"I'm pretty sure I know how to drive, y/n," Peter reassured, resting one of his hands on top of yours. You quickly retracted your hand, taking his and placing it back on the steering wheel. He chuckled, pulling over to the side of the road and looking into your eyes.

"I know, I know," you mumbled, a small smile tugging at your lips. "but you kinda just did get your license a few weeks ago. Excuse me if I believe we're gonna cease to exist."

"You make a few good points here and there. That is not one of them," Peter placed his hands at the sides of your face, pressing a small kiss to your nose before placing a proper kiss on your lips. "You're my favourite person on this earth."


author's note


tom with curly hair makes my heart melt

thanks for listening

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