Ch. 45: The grass isn't always greener

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*Laurielle & Ray*

Babe get up!!!" Ray says excitedly. Laurielle is moving sluggish. "C'mon babe! We gotta get to our first ultrasound." Ray rushes her which starts to piss her off. "We have another two hours so you need to calm down." Laurielle tells him and rolls her eyes and lays back down for a quick nap. "Babe I just don't want to be late for it. I wanna be early if at all possible." Ray says and kisses her on her forehead.  "I know but we're not going to late. Can I just get like 30 more minutes of sleep? I'm really tired babe." She says calmly even though Ray's persistence is getting the best of her. "Yeah you can. Want me to lay with you?" He asks her and smiles. "I'd really like that." She tells him and he cuddles her to sleep. 

*Roc & SiSi*

SiSi leaves the house to go to the park. She has so much frustration built up she needs time alone to think. While at the park she sees familes playing together. That use to be my family. Roc would always chase Nevaeh around. He was like a big kid with her. It use to be just us. So much love & comapssion. She thinks to herself then leaves. After about 2 hours she comes back home. "Where were you? I been calling your phone and everything." Roc drills her. "I left my phone at home." SiSi tells him and starts to go upstairs. Roc grabs her hand. "Where were you then?" He asks. "I needed some time alone. Without you!" SiSi yells and then sits on the staircase. "What's wrong with you? Lately you've been moody and not connected with me & Nevaeh." He says and just stares at her. "Have you ever wondered how this paternity test is affecting me?" SiSi asks him. "I know it's affecting you but it's affecting me the same." Roc tells her. "You can't possibly feel what I feel. Another woman is having your child and everyone around me expects me to be strong and just deal with it. I have it harder." SiSi tells him and stares into space. "You have it harder? I have to live with my mistakes and because of this mistake I have to worry day in & day out about losing my fucking family, so don't you dare say it's easier for me." Roc yells to her. "I already told you me & Nevaeh aren't going anywhere." SiSi tells him calmly. "Yeah you say that but the way you've been acting lately is making me feel different. I just don't want to be surprised by any judgement you make. It's easy to say you're staying when we don't even know if it's my child yet. But what if it is mine? That's when reality is gonna set in and when you decide you really can't handle this." Roc tells her and looks away. "You don't know what I'm going to do." SiSi tells him with an attitude. "Yeah i don't, that's why I have to be prepared for whatever happens even if it tears me apart. Nevaeh is sleeping. I'm leaving for awhile." Roc tells her and gets in his black Aston Martin.


Dalia can't help but think about her husband. He could be with Sammi living it up. Maybe has realized I'm not the one for him. Maybe he sees that she was prettier than me. She has everything better than me. I was his second choice all this time. I can't compete with his first love. She rubs her stomach. "It'll be okay baby. Your daddy loves you very much. He'll always be here for you. Always know that." She says speaking to her unborn child as tears drift from her eyes. 

*Prince & Rae*

Rae & Prince have a doctor appointment with their babies pediatrician. "Mr. & Mrs. Perez ya'll can bring the babies back now." The nurse calls for them. Baby Jacob is crying. "Aww what's wrong with mommy's baby?" Rae asks the baby as she pats his back. He burps. "The little guy had gas." The doctor says as he shuts the examining door. "So tell me about their eating behavior." The doctor asks them. "Well Jesiah is a beast. He drinks his milk like there's gonna be no tomorrow." Prince says with laughter. "That's good though because we want their weight to gain. What about Jacob?" The doctor asks as he writes notes down. "He eats. He doesn't eat as much as Jesiah though. And also he keeps gas all the time. Is that normal?" Rae asks. "Well I'm a little concerned about the gas. How often is it?" He asks them. "I would say very often and he has loose stools also." Rae tells the doctor. Prince is just watching. "It may be that his body can't take the regular formula so I would say try using the soy formula for Jacob and see if that helps. If it doesn't schedule another appointment with me and we'll figure something out." The doctor tells them and dismessed them. "Jacob's going to be fine babe." Prince reassures Rae. She just nods her head. 


Prodigy is meeting Sammi at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant. "Hey Sammi. How are you?" He greets her with a hug. "I've been fine. I'm glad we get a chance to talk." She tells him. "Yeah, this food better be good since you suggested this expensive place." Prod says while laughing. "To be honest I've never even eaten here I just figured I was worth it. Am I right?" Sammi asks him. Prod thinks for a moment & his mind drifts to Dalia. "Prod?" Sammi tries to get his attention. "What?" Prod answers her. "Am I worth it?" Sammi insists. "Oh yeah I guess." Prod says looking funny. "I know if Dashia or Dalina whatever that stupid girl's name is was worth it I definfitely am." Sammi says and giggles. Prod notices what she says and his blood starts boiling. "She will always be worth it. She has done nothing but stay by my side since she came into my life, even when I treated her like hell because I couldn't over you. She gave me chance after chance You just run away. I don't know what I was thinking by even contacting you. I love my wife with all my heart. You're nothing but a golddigger. And her name is Dalia." He says angrily "If you really loved her why are you here with me?" Sammi asks him with an attitude. "Because I'm dumb. But I'm not dumb enough to stay here with you." Prod says and leaves. Sammi just sits there looking stupid. 

Stay tuned- Chasity

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