Ch. 37: Don't touch me!

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*Ray & Laurielle*

"Ma'am your family is waiting to see your husband." The doctor tells her while she pulls her near Ray's room. Laurielle is looking confused. "I didn't call his mother so I wonder how they knew." Laurielle tells the doctor. "I don't know but there they are." The doctor tells her and walks away. Everyone turns and looks at Laurielle. Laurielle is staring at them in so much confusion. "Who the hell is she?" A lady asks. Laurielle looks the rude lady up & down. "Who the hell are you?" Laurielle responds back with an attitude. "Ma'am this isn't your husband?" The doctor asks as she pulls Laurielle in the doorway. Laurielle's eyes get big. "Uh no! That's not Rayan Lopez. I don't know who that is but that isn't my husband. Ya'll have made a mistake, thank God!" Laurielle says happily. The sad family stares at her feeling disrespected. "Oh I'm sorry for ya'lls loss." Laurielle says and nods her head. The doctor leads her to her husband. "Baby!" Laurielle runs in and hugs her husband. "Lauribug?" Ray says as he opens his eyes. "It's me baby! I'm so relieved that you're alive." Lauri tells him as she keeps squeezing him. "Babe...i told you I would make it out of this." Ray tells her tiredly. "I know but they got your name mixed up with some old man who died during surgery, God rest his soul, and I thought you had left me here by myself!" Laurielle tries to tell him the story but he falls asleep peacefully. She just smiles at her sleeping husband and waits for him to wake back up. 

*Rae & Prince*

Rae is in a lot of pain so she's resting. Prince leaves to pick up some food. Rae wakes up alone. I wonder where he went. She thinks as she searches the house. She finds her phone and hits him up. "Hello baby?" Prince answers his phone. "You left me. Where are you?" Rae asks him sadly as she lays on the living room couch. "I'll be back in a little while I just went to pick up food babe." Prince answers her as he drives to Mcdonalds, he favorite restaurant. "Can you stay on the phone with me till you get back home?" Rae asks him baby-like. "Of course sweetheart." Prince laughs as he answers her. about 15 minutes later he returns home. "You feel any better?" Prince asks her as he sits on the couch with her. "I'm still hurting but not as bad." She tells him as she runs her stomach. "Want your pain medicine?" Prince asks as he gets up to get it. She stops him and grabs his arm. "No sir, all I want is for you to cuddle with me on this couch as we eat. Can you handle that, papi?" Rae tries to say in her sexy voice. Prince laughs. "I can definitely handle a little cuddling, just call me the cuddle king." Prince tells her and kisses her forehead. She just giggles as she thinks of how lame his statement was. "I love you even though you say dumb stuff sometimes." Rae tells him and laughs hysterically. Prince just looks at her for a moment. "I'm sorry, did I hurt Princey's feelings?" Rae says playfully. "Yes you did." Prince says sadly and turns his head. "You'll be alright, suck it up!" Rae tells him then kisses his cheek.

*Roc & SiSi*

"SiSi, calm down baby! Lets just call the police." Roc tells her as he grabs her. "Yeah we gonna call the police once I whoop this bitch's ass!" SiSi yells and jumps and his car. "Let me drive then. You shouldn't be driving this mad and plus I know where she lives." Roc tells her and smiles. She hands him the keys and climbs in on the passenger side. They arrive to Megan's apartment. Megan is outside washing her car in a swimsuit. "What are ya'll doing here?" Megan asks them. "You messed up my car. You're gonna pay for that!" SiSi tells her sternly. Megan laughs. "I'm not paying for crap till I get my first child support check for mine and your husband's child." Megan tells her. "You will never get a child support check if you keep fucking with us, ok?" SiSi tells her. "Is that threat?" Megan asks her. "I don't make threats, only promises. Oh and the police are on their way here." SiSi tells her and winks as sirens are heard in the distance. "You ready for jail time?" Roc asks her. "Why do you care about a dumb car? You're rich! I just want my child to be taken care of like it deserves to be. I didn't sleep with myself, ya know." Megan tells them as she starts to cry. "That's true but ruining our lives and personal belongings isn't acceptable!" Roc tells her as the police pull up. The police grab Megan's arm. She pulls away. "Don't touch me!" She yells. They handcuff her and take her to the police department. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I don't think it's fair to you so if you want to leave me I won't blame you and I won't hate you. I just want you to be happy and this isn't happiness." Roc tells her sincerely. It kills him to give her that option but he feels it's for the best. She smiles at him with tears in her eyes. "It amazes me how much you care about me. I'm not going anywhere. We're not always gonna be happy but I can deal with that as long as our good times outweigh our bad. We have a beautiful daughter and another on the way. They need us and I need you. I love you so much. I've been mad that's all but I'm willing to put it aside now." She tells him. He hugs her tight. "I love you too baby & I swear I'm not going to do anything stupid like that again." Roc tells her sincerely. "You better not! This was the first & last time." SiSi tells him and embraces him again. 

*Dalia & Prod*

Dalia is walking on the beach alone trying to admire the view but she's just so angry and hurt. "I can't believe that negro left me here on my honeymoon alone. Who does that? And he did it for his mother. Ooh I can't stand him, I wish I'd never married him!" Dalia rants outloud to herself. "You can't stand me for real?" a familiar voice asks her. She turns around and Prodigy is standing there with flowers. "Why are you here? I thought you had to be with your mother?" Dalia asks him sarcastically. "I do need to be with my mom but right now I have obligations to my wife and I'm leaving you here in Hawaii on our honeymoon alone." Prodigy tells her and smiles. He hands her the roses. "You think these flowers are going to make everything better?" She asks him with an attitude. "No I don't but the fact that I chose you after all should help." Prod tells her and grabs her hand. "Don't touch me! Prod you left me. You made your choice. Your mom is more important than me and I can't compete with that." Dalia tells him and just stares at him. "it's not like that. I need to be a man for you and for myself. My mom raised me and I love her for that but it's time that I grow up . I love you baby." Prodigy tells her. She thinks for a while. "I'm not telling you to forget about your mom i'm just saying include me in on stuff. I'm your wife not just your fiancee I deserve to be priority too." Dalia tells him and gives him a slight smile. "You are a priority I swear. I'm so sorry Dalikins." Prod says and hugs her tightly. "You're hurting me babe but I love you too." Dalia tells him and playfully rolls her eyes. "Wanna go hula dancing?" Prod asks her. That was the main thing she wanted to do in Hawaii. "Indeed I do." Dalia grabs his hand and they head off to go dancing. 

Stay tuned (: - Chasity

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