Chapter 15: I don't remember

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*Prince & Rae*

“Why am I in the hospital?” Rae asks confused, as she starts looking around. “You were in a car accident.” Prince says sadly, as he walks over to hold Rae’s hand, she moves it away quickly. “I don’t think Ray would like that…” Rae says softly, Prince is hurt. “How are you feeling babe?” Prince asks. “My name is Rae, and I’m fine. I just want to see Ray.” She says. “Wait I’m pregnant? How’d I get pregnant….” She says rubbing her belly. "I don't remember Ray getting me pregnant." Rae is puzzled.

“Rae I’m your husband.”

“What? No Ray is the man I’m in love with.”

“No. We are married, and you are having my babies.”

“I’m sorry but, you must have me confused with someone else.”

“No! I don’t, I can prove it, I will go home and get the marriage certificate.” Prince wants her to believe him.

“Aren’t you and Ray Ray best friends?”


“How could you say something that you know is untrue that you know would hurt him. He’s the only one I love.”


“Jacob, please if you care about your brother Ray at all please go get him for me.”

“But Rae.”

“Just get out…”


“Get the hell out!” Rae screams.

Prince feels like he‘s in the twilight zone, as heads to the door, “I love you Rae…” He says as she just stares at him; and he walks out.

“Doctor! Doctor.” Prince calls leaving the room.

“Yes Mr. Perez how can I help you?” The doctor suddenly appears.

“My wife doesn’t remember me… she doesn’t remember being married. All she can seem to remember is a life before she and I got married.”

“She suffered some mild brain damage, and all the memories of you are her in her mind do not exist at this point.”

“Will she gain her memory back?”

“It’s hard to tell she could gain it back tomorrow, a week from now, or she may never get her memory back.”

Prince starts to feel himself getting lightheaded.

“We‘ve scheduled her for therapy, and we’ll try to get her to regain her memory faster; but unfortunately I cannot guarantee anything. Do not push her to remember, and above all be patient with her, I wish you two the best.” The doctor says as he walks away. Prince feels himself on the brink of losing it, but he pulls himself together as Ray comes walking down the hall.

“How’s Rae?” He asks concerned.

“She’s awake, she’s suffered mild brain damage… She doesn’t remember anything about our relationship. But she has been calling for you non stop since she woke up.”

“Really? Why me.”

“I think the only thing she can remember at the moment is being in love with you.”

Ray is secretly thanking God, he has a second chance at finding love with Rae.

“How come you never told me you and Rae used to be in love.”

Ray is trying to hide a smile, when Princeton punches him in the nose…

*Roc and SiSi*

“Baby… please come back to me…” Roc is pleading with an unconscious SiSi. “Nev and I need you, she’ll be down here in a moment to see you….” Roc says gently rubbing SiSi’s arm. He starts to sing a song in SiSi’s ear as he hears the hospital door open. “Mommy!!!” Nevaeh cries, running over to SiSi.

“Daddy, what’s wrong with mommy?”

“She got into a car accident… she won’t be waking up for a while.”

“Daddy! Wake her up.”

“I can’t angel.”


“Because I just can’t, but we can pray that God wakes her up.”

“Okay. Dear Jesus, please wake my mommy up soon, we need her.”

“Please God. She’s not only my fiancée, she’s also my best friend; and a mother to my child. Wake her up and I promise I will marry her as soon as possible.”

“In Jesus name Amen.” They both say, as they watch SiSi. Roc hugs Nevaeh tightly.

“Daddy it didn’t work.”

“It’ll take some time, you have to have faith in God, okay?” Nevaeh nods her head, as tears stain her cheeks.

“I really love my mommy. She’s the best mommy in the world. I hope she wakes up soon.”

“I know you do Nev I love her so much too, and even though we fight sometimes that doesn’t take away from the love I have in my heart. But I learned my lesson I’m going to start showing how much I love her. Life is short in the blink of an eye anything can happen that’s why you have to show people you love them while there living.” Roc says as another tear escapes Nevaeh’s eye, Roc wipes it away. He kisses the top of Nevaeh’s forehead. They jump as suddenly a loud beeping noise goes off.

“Oh no!” Roc says as SiSi flat lines. “We need a doctor in here now.” he yells. A Doctor and nurses barge in.

“Please save my mommy!!“ Nevaeah screams, as he and Nev watch on; speechless, silently praying that she survives.


Laurielle is starting to wake up, she has a splitting headache. She holds her head, as she comes to. “Where am I?” She mumbles, her eyes wide open, but everything is still pitch black. “Why can’t I see! Why the hell can’t I see.” She is trying desperately to see by blinking but it’s no use, she is blind. “Mrs. Lopez, I am doctor Tim Borrows; you were in a car accident. You were driving drunk, and I’m afraid you are blind.” The doctor breaks the news to her. Laurielle bursts into tears. “I should have never gotten behind the wheel drunk.” She cries.

“Unfortunately you injured some other people.”

“Oh God! I’m so sorry.” She sniffs.

“Am I blind forever?” she asks after a while.

“We think it may just be temporary, but it could be long term.”

“Can you call my husband?”

“I am sorry, Mrs. Lopez. Your husband was here, he made sure you were doing okay, but he did not want to see you.”

Laurielle starts to cry harder. “I’m really sorry, if you need anything please let us know. I will have the nurse in to give you some pain medicine.” the doctor says walking out.

“I can’t do anything right… Ray will never forgive me.” She says and continues crying. “Forever alone…”

*Prod & Dalia*

“Baby, I’m so sorry. When I realized it was you in the car accident the first thing I thought about was the baby…” Prodigy says, gently stroking Dalia’s tummy. “I do want this baby, I want us to be one big happy family.” He admits. Dalia can’t help but grin from ear to ear, “Really baby? You want to be a daddy?” She asks. “Yes, I’m going to be a great dad unlike my no good….. Anyway baby we’re going to be great parents.” He smiles. Dalia pulls him down on the hospital bed so she can kiss him, they play tongue of war until the nurse comes in. “The baby is just fine, and after we stitch your forehead up, you two are free to go home.” The nurse says then she disappears again. “I’m so happy the baby is okay.” Dalia says. “Me too baby, I’m happy both my babies are okay.” Prodigy says kissing her sore forehead. “Both?” Dalia asks confused. “You, and our little one.” Prodigy says, Dalia smiles. “I love you Proddie bear.” She says. “And I love you too, Dalia-kins.” Prodigy says kissing her again.

Stay tuned -Rae



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