Chapter 34: Stay

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Chapter 34: Stay….


SiSi finally comes home after hours of crying. She sees Roc past out cold on the couch with a bottle of Liquor in his hand. She rolls her eyes at the sight of him.

“I love you so much it hurts. But I don’t know if…. If we can move past this. You screwed up big time, this time….“ SiSi says to a sleeping Roc. She hurries upstairs to go pack her things. She can’t help but cry as harder with every piece of clothing that’s being packed into her suitcase. Crying becomes overwhelming and she has to sit down and catch her breath.

“Where are you going?” Roc asks startling SiSi, as he comes into the room.

SiSi stops crying suddenly, “None of your business.” She says her facial expression turning cold.

Roc turns sad, “Please SiSi, I know I messed up but I can’t live without you… please give me another chance.” Roc begs.

“I can’t! I’m tired of giving you chances, you always screw up! I’m tired of it, I’m done. I’m so done.” SiSi screams.

Roc gets down on his knees, “Please SiSi I swear to you… I will never hurt you again. Just stay with me! Please dammit stay with me.”

SiSi looks down on him with sympathy, she can’t help but have love and respect for the father of her children. Memories flood her mind of the two of them together. When they first met, there first kiss, the first time they made love, when they had Nevaeh, finding out they were having a new baby, and getting married. She is thinking hard on whether she should leave Roc or not.

Through the good, the bad, happy or sad, I will love you forever.

She remembers Roc’s vows, and she smiles.

Marriage isn’t going to be easy, it’s going to harder than not being married, but as long as we’re together our love can outweigh anything.

SiSi remembers herself saying those vows. Those vows meant everything to her, she just can’t walk away when things start to get tough. Marriage is about sticking it out, and working through it, she has to stay.

SiSi sighs as she comes to the conclusion. “I’ll stay.” She whispers.

Roc looks up, “What?”

“I said I’ll stay. I took my vows to heart Roc I just can’t up and leave when things get tough. Yeah it’s going to be hard as hell if that baby turns out to be yours, but I’ll just have to deal with it. Our love will outweigh anything.” She says.

Roc gets of the floor and gives her a hug. “Thank you.” He says.

“I love you.” She half smiles, and pulls out of his embrace. “But I’m still mad at you.” She hands him his pillow that’s sitting on the bed. “You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”

“As long as you’re staying with me, I can deal with that.” He says taking his pillow. Before he leaves the room he takes one last look at SiSi, and then proceeds down the stairs.


Prod and Dalia are on their honeymoon in Hawaii.

“It’s so beautiful here.” Dalia says looking around the beautiful hotel. “Look at the view.” She says admiring the beach from the window. “This is perfect, it truly is paradise here.” She says excitedly.

“You are what’s perfect.” Prodigy says admiring her.

Dalia looks at him and smiles, Prodigy comes up behind her as she’s looking out at the beach. He starts kissing her neck, and she becomes putty in his hands. “Prod, don’t you want to… look around Hawaii?” Dalia asks.

“No, I just want to make love to my beautiful wife.”

“…But.. I wanted to….tour the….. Ohhhhh Prod yes.” She completely loses her train of thought as Prodigy starts caressing her sensitive feminine areas. Prodigy lifts Dalia up in his arms and carries her to the huge bed. He takes his shirt of in one swift motion, and then he gets on top of a ready and waiting Dalia.

Prodigy undresses her carefully, admiring all of her parts, and worshipping her body as if she’s a goddess. “You are so beautiful, as long as I live I will never get tired of making love to you.” He whispers in her ear. “I’m going to still be making love to you when you’re eighty years old.” He says as they both laugh, but things quickly turn serious again, when Prod enters her with his fingers.

“Ahhh-.” Dalia silently moans. Prod’s fingers continue to stroke Dalia until she moans his name in pleasure, and then he licks his fingers.

“I love you so much.” he says while biting her neck, and then they make love all night long.


“Ray baby, I made dinner….” Laurielle pauses as she sees Ray on the couch, leaning over with his head in his lap. “You okay baby?”

“I have a real bad headache and my nose just started bleeding out of no where.” He says sounding stopped up, while blood stained tissue is hanging out of his nose.

Laurielle frowns, “I’m sorry babe, how long have you been having headaches?” She asks.


“For about two weeks now.” He says.

“Do you think it’s something serious? Maybe you should go to the doctor and get checked out.”

“Laurielle I’m fine, don’t wor……..” Ray starts but he never finishes because he blacks out.

“Ray? Baby? BABY!” Laurielle doesn’t know what to do. She goes and puts a cold wash cloth on his head and prays that he wakes up soon.


“I feel so bad for SiSi.” Rae says sadly.

“Her and Roc are going to work it out. Everything will be okay.”

“I hope you’re right.” Rae says.

“Hey guess what?” Prince asks.


“I love you.” He says.

Rae grins, “I love you too afro puff.” She says, “I love it when you wear you hair like that, it turns me on.” She admits.

“What you going to do about that?” Prince asks with a lustful gleam in his eye.

“I can’t do anything about it right now, I wish I could but I can’t have sex for while.”

“Did the doctor say anything about oral sex?” Prince asks.

Rae thinks, “Well, no…”

“LEGGO!” Prince says diving for Rae. Rae protests but her protests soon become drowned out with moans, as Prince pleases her over and over again.


Stay tuned -Rae

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