Chapter 42: Gone

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Prince is mad at Rae so he doesn’t come to bed he just sleeps on the couch. Rae can’t sleep she’s tossing and turning, she hates going to bed with Princeton mad at her. She sighs loudly, and glances over at the clock; it reads 2:30 am. She tosses and turns some more, but finally she falls into a fitful sleep. Even in sleep she’s still tossing and turning, she has a bad dream and she wakes up abruptly sitting up in the bed. She can’t take it anymore screw her pride, she wants her husband now. She gets out of bed, peeks into the twins room to find them sleeping soundly and she goes downstairs. To her surprise Princeton is wide awake.

“I’m sorry for not spreading the peace, baby.” Rae says, with a smile.

Prince doesn’t look at her, at first, but then he gives her his undivided attention.

“I know you don’t like me being in drama, and you were right it wasn’t my place to tell Dalia. You were just looking out for me. And I love you for that. I’m sorry for being a jerk.”

Princeton smiles, “It’s okay baby, I know how stubborn you are; I still love you. I know you want what’s best for Dalia but this is something Prod has to tell her. I’m glad you came down here, I couldn’t fall asleep without you.” He admits.

“Me either, I had the worst nightmare, I sleep better in your arms.”

“Let’s go up to bed then.” Princeton starts to get up, but Rae stops him, she gives him a lustful gleam.

Prince grins. “We haven’t made love on the couch in forever.” Rae says, as she starts straddling Prince. "Put me to bed." She says.

“Leggo! 2 chainzzzz!” He says and then they both laugh, as things get heated.


Roc, and SiSi bring Nevaeh home with a bunch of medicine. She is acting a little like her old self again, but she’s still really tired.

Roc and SiSi cuddle on the couch with Nevaeh sleeping across their legs, Roc’s phone starts to ring; causing Nevaeh to stir, but not wake up.

Roc frowns when he looks at the caller id. “What? Didn’t I tell you not to call me until you had the baby?”

“I was wondering did you and your little wife, want to come to an ultrasound?” Megan asks.

“Why would we come to your ultrasound when we’re not even sure who’s baby you’re carrying?” Roc says getting angry.

SiSi rolls her eyes, when she realizes its Megan.

“Well we will know, they have new tools where they can test the paternity before the baby is born and its just as accurate.” Megan says.

Roc’s heart rate speeds up, “Let’s see if the baby is mine first, and then we’ll discuss going to ultrasounds.” He says.

Megan smiles, “Okay well our appointment to determine paternity, is tomorrow at noon, I can’t wait to see you there.” She says and hangs up. Roc can’t stand Megan, he feels as if he’s about to vomit upon hearing her voice.

“What did she want?” SiSi asks, with an attitude.

“She says that the doctors can test the baby to find out if it’s mine before it’s born. She says its just as accurate, we have an appointment tomorrow at noon.”

SiSi face falls, jealousy starts rising in her chest. “Okay, well I’m going.” She says through clenched teeth.

Roc smiles, “I wouldn’t have it any other way babe.”

SiSi is hoping and praying that the baby doesn’t turn out to be Roc’s. Even though he has no feelings for Megan, when two people find out they conceived a baby together it makes them have a special bond. She wants to be the only one who shares that special bond with Roc.

Nevaeh wakes up, “I had the craziest dream.” She says tiredly.

Roc smiles, “Oh yeah baby girl, what was it about?”

“I had a dream that daddy was having another baby, but it wasn’t with you mama.” She says with a laugh.

But Roc and SiSi aren’t laughing, they look at each other, Nevaeh must have overheard their conversation in her subconscious mind, and it made it seem like it was a dream; but it wasn't a dream, it's reality.  

Roc is also hoping that the baby isn’t his, he wouldn’t know how to break the news to his sweet little girl.


“Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone. She‘s never coming back,” Prodigy sings softly thinking about Dalia, he misses his wife. He is so depressed he skipped rehearsal’s, he hasn’t been taking calls, he’s just been sulking all day. Every time he hears his phone ring, he hopes its Dalia but to his dismay it never is. He doesn’t even have an appetite, and that’s rare for him. His doorbell rings, and he ignores it, but they ring it over and over. He finally gets up to get it.

To his surprise it’s a police officer, “What can I do for you officer?”

“Your wife Dalia was in a horrible car accident. She was hit head on by a minivan. We believe the person who hit her was driving drunk.” The police breaks the news to Prodigy as his world suddenly comes crashing down, and into a million pieces.

“No, you are mistaken it couldn’t have been my wife!” He shouts, he becomes dizzy, he tries to think straight.

The policeman tells Prodigy the car number, and the make of the car, and he knows its Dalia's car. Prodigy breaks down. “You need to get to the hospital as soon as you can.” The policeman says and leaves.

“No! Not my baby! God why?” He screams. “Dammit!” He yells. He let’s out a horrifying scream, with all the pain, and rage, that’s built up in his heart. He starts throwing things, and soon his house becomes a train wreak. After his rampage he just breaks down and weeps. He collects himself enough to drive down to the hospital and see his wife.


Laurielle is in a wonderful mood. She’s cooking Ray Ray’s favorite meal Tacos, and she decorates the table with candles. She makes his favorite chocolate cake, and she waits for him to come home.

She hums softly, as everything is finished. Ray comes into the kitchen not long after, with a grin on his face.

“What’s all this for babe?” He asks.

“Just because I love you.” She says half telling the truth.

“I love you too.” He says and gives her a kiss on the lips, “Thank you! And you even made my favorite Acos.” He says, Laurielle laughs she hates when he leaves the ‘T’ off of Taco.

“Baby I lied. I’m not doing this just because I love you.” She admits.

Ray turns around to look her over, “Why did you do it then?” He asks nervously.

Laurielle grins, “Because I’m-” Ray’s phone rings, and interrupts what she was about to say.

“I’m sorry hold that thought I have to take this.”

Laurielle sulks, she was about to break the wonderful news to Ray. Her perfect night turns even worse when, Ray has to leave, leaving her all alone.

She loses her apetite. She sighs, as she cleans the kitchen and throws all uneaten food away.

-Stay Tuned. -Rae

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