Chapter 13: Don't Drive angry.

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Out of my Mindless

Chapter 13: Don’t drive angry….

*Prince & Rae*

“I’m hungry baby.” Rae says her stomach starts to growl as if emphasizing her point. “What does my baby want to eat?” Prince says, gently massaging her tummy. “I want pizza! With extra pepperonis, and lots of cheese. And baby could you go get me some fries from McDonalds, and an apple pie. Oh and would you mind getting me a cup of cheese sauce from Steak-n-Shake, with a hi-c.” Rae says with a smile. Prince is flabbergasted at all the foods she wants. “Okay… umm- anything else baby?” He asks hoping she says no. “Now that you mention it….” Rae ponders as Prince sighs loudly. “I’m just kidding baby, that’s all.” She says. “Thank God… fatty.” Prince says teasing, he leans down to kiss her. “I love you…I’m really happy you’re home.” She says. “I love you too, and when I come back I’m making love to you.” He says kissing her neck softly and walking out of the house. A few minutes after Prince leaves, Rae’s phone starts buzzing. “Hello?” she says. “I really need to talk…” Ray says. “Okay… come on over I’ll be waiting.” She says and hangs up.

*SiSi & Roc*

“When I get out of the shower I’m going to tear you up girl.” Roc whispers in SiSi’s ear as he heads in the shower. SiSi is putting on her lingerie, and making sure she’s perfect for Roc, when his phone starts to ring. “Baby, your phone!” SiSi yells to him, but he doesn’t hear her. “Babe! I’m going to answer your phone okay?” SiSi calls, Roc mumbles something but she can’t hear it, so she decides to answer it anyway.


“May I speak to Roc please?”

“Who is this?”

“A friend.”

“Well he’s busy right now, I’m his fiancée so you can just talk to me instead.”

“Well my name is Jennifer… and a few weeks ago Roc, and I-um-had relations.”

“Trick, why the hell you calling my man’s phone…. Let me make this clear he don’t want you.”

“Look, I’m not calling to cause trouble.”

“Well then why the hell you call?” SiSi asks losing her patenice.

“Well when we had sex, Roc said you two were broken up. The doctor suggested I call all my sex partner’s within the last month or so…”

“Why?” SiSi starts getting nervous, she’s thinking this trick may be pregnant.

“Because… I just found out…. I have syphilis.”

SiSi is shocked, she feels her blood run cold. “I’m really sorry, but at least I told you… I wish you two the best. Goodbye.” she says and hangs up. SiSi is having trouble breathing for a moment, then her shock turns to rage as Roc is coming out of the shower. “Babe what’s the matter?” Roc asks concerned. “That was your little sex partner Jen.” SiSi spits at him harshly. “I promise I have not had sex with anyone since we got engaged.” Roc hurries and pleads his case. “I know… but she wanted to call and tell you that she has syphilis.” SiSi blurts. Roc is stunned, “Well I know I don’t have it.” he says. “You can’t be 100 percent sure.” She says. “SiSi I don’t have it trust me.” Roc assures her. “Forget that. You aint inserting nothing in here." She points to her womanly area, "Until you get checked out!” SiSi says with an attitude. “You shouldn't have been sleeping around anyway!” She yells.

“Maybe if you hadn’t of been pressuring me to get married I wouldn’t have had to sleep around.” SiSi is hurt that Roc said that to her.

“Oh that’s how you feel huh? Well then we don’t have to get married!” SiSi says angrily.

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