Chapter 19: Man DOWN!

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Chapter 19: Man DOWN!

Chapter 19: Man DOWN!


Rae freshens up, she is going to meet Ray, she can’t help but feel excited. She sees Prince lying on the sofa, asleep she doesn’t want to bother him, she watches him for a moment. He’s so beautiful, no wonder I married him. Rae thinks. She silently slips into the garage, careful not to wake him. “Which one of these are mine?” She questions as she looks in the huge garage full of cars, she decides on the red Bentley and she goes to meet Ray. “Umm where do you live again?” Rae asks while she‘s on the phone with Ray, he gives her directions that are fairly easy to follow, and she’s at his huge house in no time.

“Hey Rae.” Ray greets as Rae gets to the front door.

“Hey…” Rae smiles, she can’t help but be mesmerized by his eyes.

“Come in.” Ray leads Rae into the house, as she studies everything.

“Nice house.” She says.

“You’ve only been here a million times but, thank you.” Ray laughs.

“Look Ray, you’re the only thing I remember right now. And I guess the love I have for Jacob is in here,” she points to her head, “Somewhere, but, I don’t remember it. The only thing I remember is you.” Rae admits.

Ray gently puts his hand on top of hers, “I really think God is giving us a second chance at love. I loved Laurielle for a while and I still do somewhat, but you were always the woman I was in love with. I should have never suggested Prince ask you on a date that day.” Ray and Rae are nose to nose now.

“Who’s Laurielle?” Rae asks confused.

“My wife, I’m not in love with her like I used to be; I want you.” Rae can feel his cool breath on her face, and it tingles.

Rae half smiles, as she zeros in on his lips, they nuzzle noses for a moment.

“I feel so comfortable around you….” Rae whispers, “Kiss me, please.”

Ray obliges and he kisses Rae, kissing turns to making out, and they are feeling all over each other.

“Congratulations you two are having twin boys,” The doctor had said.

“Wow, that’s umm… just WOW!” Rae replied, still nervous, and shocked that they would have to raise two babies.

“Aren’t you happy dad?” The doctor asked Prince, just before he fainted.

“Oh God, he fainted.” Rae said.

“Prince, you are going to be a great dad.” Rae had said later that night, and they shared a passionate kiss. .

“Prince, he fainted! When he found out we were having twins.” Rae blurts as she pulls away from Ray Ray’s lips.

“He did?” Ray asks confused.

“Yes, I remembered.” Rae says excitedly, feeling a little bit like herself again, “I just had a flash back! I remembered!” She says happily. Ray can’t help but feel salty.

“Ray look, I know I don’t remember much about Jacob-er-Prince and I, but I think I should at least try, you know. I just can’t go and break wedding vows. And neither can you, I‘m too good to be anyone‘s mistress.” Rae says.

“I understand but he didn‘t care about ya‘lls wedding vowels.” Ray says coldly. When he cheated on your ass. Ray thinks.

“What do you mean?”

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