Chapter 7: Reconciliation

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Out of my Mindless

Chapter 7: Reconciliation

*Rae and Prince*

“I would appreciate if you would not send me anymore flowers please.” Rae says as she’s on the phone with Princeton. “I’m not going to stop doing nice things for you, until you trust me again.” He says sweetly. “You’re wasting your time I will never trust you, please just stop with this act.” Rae says annoyed. “It’s not an act Rae you know I love you. Why does it bother you so much? Obviously it’s starting to work.” Prince says. Rae sighs but she’s fighting a smile. “Prince just stop please.” She says. “Nope.” He says, Rae rolls her eyes. “Hey Rae I’m going to talk to Prod, I’ll be back later.” Dalia says. “Okay, be careful.” Rae says. “Who is that?” Princeton asks. “Nosey! But it’s Dalia she’s going to be staying with us… I mean me.... for a while, until she gets back on her feet.” Rae says. “Well she’s going to have to bounce when I start living there again.” Prince says. “Good-bye Prince.” Rae says laughing. “So is that a yes I can move back in there?” Prince asks with hope in his voice. “Maybe…” Rae says and hangs up.

 *Ray & Rae*

 Ray Ray rings the doorbell to Rae’s house. “Ray what are you doing here?” Rae asks confused. “What you not happy to see me?” Ray asks a little hurt. “Of course I’m always happy to see you; you know I love my best friend.” Rae says, as she goes to hug him, his scent fills her nose and she doesn’t want to let go, but she finally does. “Come in.” She says leading him into the house, as they both sit on the couch. “So what’s up?” Rae asks. “It’s Laurielle, she’s been tripping lately. I made her a romantic dinner…well technically she was dinner, and she said my mind was always on sex and then she just went upstairs. I thought women liked that romantic stuff.” Ray says confused. “Umm most women do, well I know I do.” Rae says. “Well maybe I chose the wrong woman.” Ray says, and he and Rae burst into laughter. The laughter dies down after a while and then things turn silent. "No but what happened to us.... at one point I could have sworn you were in love with me." Ray says. "Ray I really don't feel like getting into all of that right now." Rae says. “But anyway, just talk to Laurielle, you two just need to communicate.” Rae says changing the subject. “You know something don’t you?” Ray asks eying Rae suspiciously. Ray can always tell when Rae is hiding stuff. Rae starts to look guilty. “Why would you think that?” Rae says not meeting Ray’s eyes. “She came to talk to you didn’t she?” Ray asks. “Well yes….” Rae says. “What did she say?” Ray asks eagerly. “Ray… I’m not going to betray her confidence just talk to her.” Rae says, as Ray nods, Rae is glad he didn’t pressure her more on the subject. “You look good; you got that pregnant woman glow…. Princeton doesn’t know what he’s missing.” Ray says eyeballing Rae as she starts laughing. “Well I hope you get to experience Laurielle like this soon.” Rae says. “Me too.” Ray whispers, as he and Rae share a kiss on the cheek and he bids her a goodnight.

 *Prod and Dalia*

“I’m happy you’re back.” Prodigy says when he sees Dalia. “I’m not staying, I just came to get a few things.” She says with an attitude. “Babe please… stay… I promise I will never hit you again.” He says sincerely, as he tries to embrace her. “Don’t touch me Prodigy!” Dalia screams. “Baby please just give me another chance.” Prodigy says on the verge of tears, he gets down on his knees and starts to beg. “Okay! I’ll stay. But things have to change. You bossing me around has to stop, and you talking to me any kind of way must stop. And please act like you love me because I love you. You can’t just say you love me and not show it, love is an action word, I need your action.” Dalia finishes. “I promise baby, I’m going to change for you, I’m going to be a different guy, and I’m going to start by making love to you.” Prodigy says and he carries her upstairs.


“Mom I’m ready to go home.” Nevaeh wines. “This is home Nev.” SiSi says. Her and Nevaeh just got a brand new condo. “I want to go home with Daddy. I miss him.” Nevaeh says sadly. “You just saw him earlier today. Nev things are really complicated with your dad and I right now, you’ll understand more when you’re older. But he and I still love you very much and you can see daddy as much as you like.” SiSi says hugging her daughter. “It’s just not the same.” Nev whispers. “I know…. But things will get better. Now go put on your pajamas its bedtime.” She says, Nev hesitates but she finally goes upstairs. SiSi has a headache with all the things going on in her life and on top of everything she’s thinking about moving her and Nevaeh to New York, to start a new life.

Stay tuned (: -Rae

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