Ch. 14: Crash Your Party

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Roc stops his car fastly and steps out to see if anyone needs help. He hurries and calls the police to notify them that there has been a accident. "Sir, can you tell how many vehicles are involved?" The operator asks him. "It's more than two, it's raining hard so I can't tell exactly." Roc tells them. "We're sending help right now." The operator tells him. He tries to get closer. Princeton steps out his vehicle too. He notices familiar vehicles. Ray notices Laurielle's vehicle. "Please God don't let that be my wife's car." Ray say outloud. Prodigy calls the ambulance also to report the crash. Laurielle fell asleep and hit Rae, which caused her to hit Dalia. SiSi was trying to avoid hitting the other vehicles and swerved and hit the bridge barriers. SiSi is unconscious, so is Rae. Dalia can't open her door. "Someone please help me!" Dalia screams. Prod thinks he knows the voice but just shakes it off. Roc notices Princeton and walks over to him. "Aye man you ok?" Roc asks him. "I'm fine, you good?" Prince asks him. "Yeah I am, I can't even see down there good but the lady said don't go any closer than I already am." Roc tells him. The ambulances, polices, and firetrucks finally make it there. As they rescue the women out of their vehicles, Dalia has a slice from glass on her forehead that the paramedics takes care of. Prod gets closer and figures out who the women are. He runs over to Dalia. "Baby are you ok?" He asks her. :Yeah I think I'm fine." Dalia tells him. "She's pregnant, can we get her checked out at the hospital just in case?" Prod asks the paramedic. "Yeah, of course." He answers him and they drive off to the hospital. The paramedics are parked close to where Roc and Princeton are stopped. They pull the two women past them. Roc's eyes get big. He realizes that it's SiSi. "Sir. That's my fiance'" Roc says crying. "She's unconscious, we have to get her to the hospital fast." The paramedic tells him and he leaves off to the hospital. They've already carried Laurielle also because they're scared she's going to die. Roc goes back over to Princeton when they see Rae bloody and unconscious. Princeton breaks down seeing her like that. Roc comforts him and hugs him. "It's gonna be ok man! We need to get to the hospital now." Roc tells him and they both head to the hospital. They finally get there. They go up to the nurses desk. "We're looking for Rachel Perez and Sierra Jackson." Prince tells the nurse. She types in the names and finds where they are. "Yes, they've just been admitted into ICU." She tells them. "What floor is that on?" Roc asks the lady. "the 5th." She tells him and they head up there. They get to another nurses desk. "Ma'am we're looking for Rachel Perez and Sierra Jackson." Roc tells her anxiously. "Sierra is in room 5 and Rachel is in room 3." The nurse tells them and smiles. They both go to each room. 

*Rae and Princeton*

The doctor is walking out the room and stops Princeton. "Sir, are you the husband?" The doctor asks him. "Yes, how is she?" Prince asks him. "She's awake. She seems to not know what has happened so we're going to run some tests on her brain tomorrow morning to see if there is any type of brain damage." The doctor tells him. Prince swallows hard as he takes in the news. "What if there is brain damage..what does that mean for her?" Prince asks him nervous of his answer. "She could have memory loss, she could even end up having a intellectual deficit. Many things are possible." The doctor tells him. Prince almost can't handle what the doctor tells him. "Is our babies ok?" Princeton asks him. "Luckily they are safe and sound in her belly. No damage was caused to them." The doctor tells him. "Is it ok if I go in?" Prince asks him and the doctor nods. Rae is just staring ahead then she looks at Prince with a blank expression. "How are you, Rae?" He asks her. "Where is Ray Ray?" She asks him. He just stares at her hurt. 

*SiSi & Roc*

Roc walks in and the doctor is in there writing things down. "Is she sleeping?" Roc asks him. "Sir, only family can be in here. "I'm her fiance' " He tells the doctor and walks over to SiSi who seems to be sleeping. "Sir, I'm sorry to inform you but she's in a coma." The doctor tells Roc. Tears falls from Roc's eyes. He can't help but think that this is all his fault. "How long will she be in it?" Roc asks him. "Could be a minute from now could be tomorrow, could be longer." The doctor tells him. Roc rubs SiSi's hand. "We're gonna do everything possible to get her out of this but until then we just need you to bear with us, ok?" The doctor tells him. Roc nods his head as the doctor leaves out. "SiSi, baby I need you to come out of this. I didn't mean any of what I said to you. I need you." He says to her and cries. He just stands over her holding her hand. 

*Ray & Laurielle*

Laurielle is also in ICU. Ray is in the waiting room. The doctor comes out to talk to him. "Sir. She is conscious. We almost lost her but she's going to be fine. We ran some test and she had a high alcohol percentage in her system which is probably why she wrecked." The doctor tells him. "So she was drunk. How long will she be here?" Ray asks him. "As long as it takes to get her back to normal and healthy. You may see her if you want, though." The doctor tells him. "That won't be neccessary." Ray tells him and walks away. He can't bear to face her like this. A part of him knows he should be right by her side but the other part of him can't let go of what she did to their child. 

Stay tuned for the next chapter. - Chasity

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