Chapter 38: SURPRISE

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Chapter 38: SURPRISE

3 months later.

Rae and Prince's two boys are finally home, and the two of them couldn't be more happy. SiSi and Roc are still having complications in their relationship, but they are compromising and working through their issues together. Megan and SiSi are both starting to show. Roc will not have any dealings with Megan until after the baby is born so they can get a paternity test done. Ray and Laurielle are more in love than ever. Ray is still recovering from his major surgery but he is healing nicely and doing a lot better. He and Laurielle have been working overtime to try and get pregnant. Prod came back to Hawaii to finish off his honeymoon with Dalia but when he got there she was already gone. He called her several times leaving her voicemails about how he regretted leaving her and he would never leave her anywhere alone again, he felt as if he was turning out to be like his dad again. Dalia was mad at him for a while but she soon got over it when her and Prod went on a long second honeymoon in Jamaica. They had to have a second wedding ceremony, because they were scammed the first time but now they are really married for real. Prod’s mother is becoming more and more unhappy that he is choosing Dalia instead of his own mother.


It’s Princeton’s birthday, and Rae wants him to think she’s forgotten all about it. Prince wakes up with a huge grin on his face.

“What are you so happy about?” Rae asks crankily, putting on an act.

“You don’t remember what today is?” He asks.

“Oh yeah how could I forget.” Rae starts, as Princeton grins, “It’s garbage day, how could you let me forget to take the trash out.” Princeton’s face instantly falls.

“No Rae, that’s not what today is…” He says a little hurt.

“Then what is it Prince? You know I have mommy brain, I can’t remember anything that’s not twin related.”

Prince drops his head. “Never mind babe, I know you have a lot on you right now. Just don’t worry about it.” He says.

“You sure babe?” Rae asks, happy her plan is succeeding.

“Yeah, I’m going to go get ready. Mindless Behavior is going on tour soon and there are a lot of routines I need to go get caught up on.” He gets out of the bed and kisses Rae’s forehead, and goes to take a shower.

Rae grins widely, she is happy her plan is working, she has a huge surprise planned for Princeton that’s he’s going to love.


Laurielle is crying as she’s driving home trying to get back to Ray to tell him the bad news. She is speeding passing every red light she doesn’t care, she wants to go tell Ray what she just learned from her doctor’s appointment. Ray and Laurielle have been desperately trying to get pregnant, but they haven’t been having any luck, and now she knows why. It seems like every traffic jam is standing in Laurielle’s way today, but she’s not going to let it stop her. She speeds all the way and finally makes it home.

She enters the house with her head held down, Ray is sitting on the couch playing a video game when he hears his wife sniffles.

“Baby, what’s the matter?”

“Ray, we can’t get pregnant.” She cries into his shirt, as plops down next to him on the couch.

“Why not? What’s wrong?”

“I have a lot of scar tissue from the miscarriage, and the doctors don’t think I will ever get pregnant again. There’s a 50/50 chance.”

Ray is sad at the news, but he quickly turns optimistic. 

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