"She ate the liver?" Scott asked, as we retrieved some news on Lydia as we walked into school twenty minutes later. 

"No, I didn't say she ate it, I just said it was missing." Stiles corrected. "Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body," 

I roll my eyes. 

A lot of shit has happened while I've been away. 

Allison and Scott are Romeo and Juliet, yup, their not allowed to see each other- Chris forbids it. Nah, Chris threatened to kill Scott's life, and Allison promised to never see him again. Ever. 

Derek Hale is the Alpha now of Beacon Hills and Peter Hale is dead, thank god. 

Allison knows about the supernatural world now, thank god. 

Stiles and I? I have no idea what the hell we are. 

"I never ate anyone's liver." Scott pointed out, and I snorted. 

"Yeah, right, 'cause when it comes to werewolves you're a real model of self-control." I sarcastically commented, rolling my eyes and we enter the school. 

"Actually, wait, hold-on." Stiles paused us. "You're the test case this, so we should be going over what happened to you." 

"What, like a recap?" I snort. 

"What do you mean?" Scott asked. 

"I mean like what was going through your mind when you were turning. You know? What were you drawn to?" Stiles asked. 

Scott smiled. "Allison." 

No surprise there Scotty boy. 

"Nothing else?" I urged. "Seriously? Guys. I have no idea what I am, you guys need to help me. I'm clueless, I'm either a werewolf or something else." 

"Don't worry, Stacey, we'll help you." Stiles reassured and I sighed. 

"Nothing else mattered," Scott said. "But, no, that's good though, right? The night that Lydia and Stacey were bitten, they were with you. Even though Stacey is here." 

"Yeah, but she was... looking for Jackson." Stiles sighed, I was slightly jealous now. I was with Stiles the whole night, Lydia was with Stiles for two seconds. 

Speaking of Jackson, here he comes, pulling up in his porches like he owns the place. 


I sit beside Stiles in Chemstriy, which is Mr. Harris' class, and Scott sits in front of us. I was given a pop test, I had them. 

Stiles leans forward, ready to talk to Scott. "All right, it's still causing me severe mental anguish to say this, but he's right." 

Who's right? 

"I know." Scott softly said. 

"What if the next body part she steals is from someone who's still alive?" My eyes widen. 

"This is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." Mr. Harris cuts Stiles off, I rolled my eyes. 

He wouldn't. 

"Can you do that?" Stiles asked. 

"Well, there it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently," wow, I thought he hated me the most. Maybe I come in a close second. "I'll see you at 3:00 detention." Scott turned to Stiles, and I chuckle. 

"I thought he hated me." I murmur to Stiles, whose eyes widen and looked at my way. My eyes then snapped up and saw Mr. Harris glaring at me. 

"Detention, Miss. McCall. I'll see you at 3:00 as well." My mouth dropped, that's so unfair. Scott turned his head towards us. "You too, Mr. McCall?"

"No, sir." Scott said. 


I stand with Allison, fiddling with a bracelet that Scott had gotten me a few years back. It's still on my wrist, I haven't taken it off since. 

Allison opened her locker, and I stand next to her. Apparntly, her aunt died as well. I'm not sure how no one would give the details, I know she died. That must be hard for her. 

Allison held out a dress that had been placed it her locker, I smirked because I knew Scott did that. She put the dress down, and she opened the note. 

Because I love you

Those words hit me, hard, I remember Stiles saying that he loves me. Allison chuckles, smiling. 

I bite my lower lip, I feel like I need to talk to Stiles. Allison then closes her locker. "Nice bracelet." I look over and saw a guy holding a camera, I smiled at him. 

"Nice camera." I commented and looked over at Allison who was smiling also. The guy had his locker open. 

"Not her sister, her aunt." I heard someone hear clearly, I look over and saw two girls talking about Allison behind her back. Literally. "The one who murdered all those people."

"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people?" I looked over at Allison, whose smile faded. I felt bad for her, I glared over at the girls. They saw me, I couldn't care less. 

"Yeah, the fire, all those animals attacks- it was her aunt." 

"Are you kidding? I sit next to her in english." The brunette one said, I pressed my lips together, I want to snap their heads off. 

"Find a new seat." The girls chuckle. 

Allison then storms off, meanwhile I turn around on one heel, and went straight for those girls, but I was blocked by someone. 


"Stacey, don't." Stiles sharply said, knowing exactly what was I was gonna do. 

"Stiles, you don't understand they-" 

"I know, Stacey, I know." Stiles said softly. "But starting a fight with them isn't going to help anyone." I sighed, because I know he's right. 

"I... I know. I know that now." I bite my lower lip. "Do you... maybe wanna talk?" His eyes widen slightly, I think he already figured out what I wanted to talk about. The kiss. 

"Um, yeah, of course," Stiles mutters, and then walks off, I frowned and I soon realized he went into a room, I looked around and I quickly followed Stiles into that room. 
I close the door behind me, we were in an empty English room. I lean against the desk, trying to figure out what I want to say. He stands close by, looking at me with concern. 

"Are you... are you okay?" Stiles asked, his caramel eyes looking into my brown boring ones. His eyes are so perfect. 

I blink twice before I shake my head. I'm far from okay. "I- I'm okay, I just..." I trailed off with a sigh. "I just wanted to talk about what happened the night of the Winter Formal." 

"Don't worry, Stacey, I'm going to figure out what you are." Stiles nodded his head. Ugh, not what I meant. 

"No- no, not that. The thing that happened before that. When we were dancing, and uh... you kissed me." I tried explaining better, my heart racing.           


"And then... you did that because you love me." I finished off. "Or loved, I dunno." 

Stiles quickly licked his lips and looked at me. "I- I do love you, Stacey," Stiles whispered. "I've loved you since... third grade." My eyes widen, that's a long time. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" I rushed out. 

"Because I didn't want to ruin our friendship," Stiles answered calmly. Wait, he said he was in love with Lydia... why would he say that? 

I stepped forward, angerly. "You told me and Scott you've been in love with Lydia since the third grade." I snapped. "Why would you lie?"

"I just... I don't know." Stiles closed his eyes. "This is what I was afraid of, Stacey. I know you don't love me back, I understand-" 

I couldn't take it anymore- the look on his face. So, I pushed my lips against his, he was clearly shocked because he didn't kiss back until a few seconds later. He sighed happily, I'm literally melting into him. 

I pressed my body against his, keeping my lips on his. He then pulled away, and looked down at me. 

"Why'd you do that?" Stiles whispered. 

"Because I love you." 

Stiles smile grew wider, and he just embraced me, his head fits perfectly on top of my head, and I wrapped my arms around him. 

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