"Honey, If they leave you they leave me too." She took back her phone and gathered her things. Sending her a wink I watched her making sure she got inside safely. As soon as her lights turned on I sped off towards my house ready for the night ahead of me. Lucas has been over a few times, mainly on nights my mom and brother go out, or work and sports come up. But I'm not complaining, things are perfect when he's over, I feel safe and protected when he's around. I trust him and I can't imagine what life would be like if none of this happened. I unlocked the door to find him in my kitchen with his back turned. I took the opportunity to sneak up on him, "I can hear your keys jingling." He chuckled when I was only inches from jumping on him. I groaned and sat on the counter beside him, admiring as his muscled ripple from his forearms up to his back as he cut down on the counter. "Peanut butter and jellies before the pool!" I cheered like a 6-year-old. "Cheers." He held up half the sandwich toasting my own as we ate happily in silence. "Ineedtochange." I mumbled with my mouth full of food. He smiled nodding his head. "Babe where are the towels?" He called as I slipped on my deep emerald green bikini. "Right here." I peered around the corner while he pulled his hoodie over his bare chest. "Damn." He breathed searching my body with his light orbs. "Don't do that." I looked down embarrassed. "Do what?" He strode over to me lifting my chin.

"Don't look at me like that."

"What are you talking about. They're my eyes, you look delicious." He chuckled. I kept my eyes to the floor. My anxiety levels raised slowly like the sound of a kettle on the burner of a stove. "I hate it." I muttered under my breath.

"Why? You know what, don't answer that. I say you look amazing." He kissed my cheek and held me closely. "Okay, Okay." I giggled as he trailed his kisses towards my neck. "I found your sweet spot." He whispered pulling back and holding my hands. I smiled down at the floor still too shy to look up. "If it makes you feel any better you can wear my shirt in the pool." He suggested wrapping me in a towel as we headed outside. "No thanks. You need something to sleep in, I can't let you freeze to death." I slid the glass door shut. "I mean you could just turn off your fan. Or cuddle with me." He shurgged his shoulders innocently. I laughed removing the towel and sliding into the rather warm crystal-like water. "Cannon ball!" He screamed flipping over me and splashing a giant wave through now bubbly pool. The splash of the water seemed to echo constantly in my ears. I heard Lucas' voice fading as my mind drifted away to the vivid memory of Tristan's party.

Reilly and I laughed hysterically as music blared around us, vibrating cups scattered the floor of his house. Parker and his girlfriend comfortably made out on the couch in the living room, Toby was playing beer pong. Rose was off talking to some hot badass in the corner. Liana was out wasted on the dance floor busting out the clingiest moves known to mankind. Hunter was at the bottom of the stairs responsibly watching over his dispersed friends, being the designated driver. Rain and I poured what seemed to be our 7th cup of rum punch when a piercing scream overthrew the pulsing music and shook the windows. Stumbling outside the crowd of drunken teens stood frozen as Hunter dove into the pool retrieving a body. My medical instinct was aching to help, but knowing how drunk I was I probably couldn't even swim let alone perform CPR. The victims long stick straight brunette locks stuck to his head as his body lay there, unmoving. He looked frozen in time. Some rude gremlins pulled out their phones making videos and taking pictures while others muttered amongst themselves. Reilly whipped out her own cellular device calling the cops. Hunter pumped his chest with full force at a steady pace praying for our friend to wake up. Harley stood there in shock as Tristan's lifeless body rested at her feet.

Rosealine breathed into his mouth every couple of seconds shaking vigorously. Tears dropped from her red swollen eyes as sirens escalated in the distance.

"Allison. Wake up!" Lucas shook my shoulders roughly as I sat on the edge of the pool. I snapped my gaze up to meet his illuminated face. I wiped my eyes letting the pool water drench my face. "We don't have to do this, we can just sit inside watching ,lives like we do." He softly placed my hair behind my ear. "I didn't think this would happen. I'm sorry." I quietly sobbed leaning into his wet chest. "Shhhh. It's okay. It's all going to be okay." He hushed lifting me out of the pool. I cried softly and quietly as he placed me on the lounge chair, soon returning with two bottles of water and extra towels. "Hey, look at me." He said moments later.

I finally stopped crying and we had been laying there with only towels covering out half naked bodies. The pool lights illustrated a light cool blue upon our faces. I sat up to look him in the eyes. "It's okay to mourn. Things won't get better all at once, some things will trigger you and hurt like hell." He held my cheek with one hand. Staring back and forth in my eyes with this longing look. My body felt warm against his. I felt the tough of his hands on my face and every nerve in my body felt like exploding. "But you'll make it through. Because no matter what happens your stuck with me, whether you want to disappear or run away. Whether you want to conquer the world or end it all I'm going to be by your side for every moment. I love you." He finished leaning his forehead against mine.

In that moment everything around me imploded into trillions of pieces, the cool tones of light around me felt like magic sparks, I kisses him slowly letting every emotion inside of me pour out. I felt free. Unburdened. Hopeful. The world was crashing down, and it was all Perfect.

"I love you." I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

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