You and Sam both look at her in a kind of disgusted way.

"I'm sorry?" Sam asks, taking a little step back.

"Are you single?" She takes a step forward.

Before she gets too flirty, you step in front of Sam, putting you hand on her shoulder pushing her back a little.

"Calm. Down." You whisper, but probably still loud enough for Sam to hear it, looking at her in a serious way. If she keeps being like this he's just gonna run away, thinking we're some crazy people.

"Sorry!" She whispers back, pushing my hand away.

I turn to see Sam, looking at me with a slight blush and a smirk on his face. We gaze into each other's eyes again, almost forgetting that my friend is standing right beside us.

"Uhh hello guys, I'm here too?" She pushes to me.

"What?" You look at her confused.

She just gives you an annoyed look.

"You guys wanna take a walk?" Sam tries to make the air less awkward.

Your friend looks at him, then back at you. You can see the anger in her eyes. She obviously knows that he's not interested in her, and that's making her mad. But you enjoy every bit of it. Your friend has always gotten everything that she wants. It's nice to see her for once NOT get what she wants.

"Actually. I think I'm gonna head home." She puts her backpack on and gives me an angry look.

"Y/F/N cmon. Why're you so mad." You grab her arm in order for her to not walk away.
You know why she was going home, but you decided to play like you didn't.

"You go have fun with him. You obviously seem to have more fun than we do." She wiggles her arm out of your hold.

She starts walking away, not looking back at all. Just power walking out of the streets. You're pretty sure you could hear her sobs from farther away.

"Stubborn kid." You whisper to yourself.

Sam puts his hand on your upper arm and walks up beside you.

"It's okay. I didn't like her anyway." He laughs lightly.

I laugh with him.

"Cmon." He motions for me to come with him, probably to take that walk he was talking about.

"So Y/N. Tell me about yourself." Sam looks at you interested, his hands in his jean pockets. He's wearing a denim jacket with a baseball shirt underneath, jeans and some off brand converse. You're wearing black jeans, a grey tank top and some nike shoes.

"God where do I start?" You ask him sighing.

"What's your favorite color?" He asks you.

"Wow great question." You chuckle.

"Yeah well." He laughs.

"Ah... Y/F/C." You answer him.

"Ouh." He looks forward.

"What about you? Judged by your clothes I guess it's blue?" You ask him smiling.

"You're right on that." He smiles back at you.

"What do you like to do for fun?" He asks you.

"Ah... I don't know. I really like to go on adventures and stuff. Y'know. Exploring and all that." You answer, looking back at all the memories.

"Me too." He smiles at you.

"Does your adventures involve climbing?" He asks you interested.

"Sometimes." You reply.

Young Sam Drake One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now