Gerard Way x Reader - Little Lola

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If there was one thing you were not surprised about, it was the amount of energy Gerard still had on stage. It did not matter that the guys he had been making music with for over ten years were no longer at his side, it did not matter that instead of ripped jeans and torn shirts he now wore suit and tie on stage, he still went crazy to his music.

You watched from the side of the pit, in a safe distance to the screaming and cheering fans, but close enough to keep an eye on your boyfriend. He just started to crawl around on stage and dumped the content of a water bottle on himself. The first time he had done that, you had worried he was feeling sick, but you soon realized that it was part of the performance. You still did not understand how or why, but somehow it got the crowd going.

You had not been together with Gerard for very long, a whole year, on the day, to be precise, but he had insisted that you should join his world tour anyway. Your life had been a mess before you had met him, your days consisting out of writing application after application while trying to find a way to pay the rent. You had met Gerard in a library where you had been reading. He had slid a piece of paper with an adorable doodle over to you and you had returned it with an also adorable, yet not so artistic one. The exchange of little pieces of paper had turned into a conversation and then into an invitation for coffee. A few days later Gerard had helped you get a job at the record label that was producing his music. And when he had asked if they would let you come to tour with him, they had agreed immediately.

You concentrated back on the stage where Gerard was lying on his back, singing into the microphone while staring at the ceiling. Without him you would not be where you were now, you would probably have no stable income, no nice place to live and you would definitely not tour the world, not to mention the amazing relationship with the kindest person you could imagine. That today was your one year anniversary had not escaped Gerard's attention, but you had insisted to keep it civil, to spend the day as planned, continuing the tour. It was just a nice number on a calendar, nothing more. And you could still celebrate when you got back home, or to a nice hotel. But you still had not been able to resist the temptation of getting a little something for Gerard. It was a doll, a stuffed animal of his mascot Lola that you had made yourself over the last weeks. It was not very good, considering you had basically no experience in sewing, but it was recognizable as Lola, as a few other tour members had assured you.

When the show came to an end you passed by the security unhindered and walked backstage, where Gerard just took a long sip from a bottle of water.

"Hello, beautiful," he grinned when he saw you, knowing that the pet name always made you blush.

"Hello," you answered, pressing a kiss to his lips, "nice show."

"Don't I get a hug," he whined when you pulled back.

"Not as long as you are in these bloody wet clothes," you giggled, patting his chest where the fabric was darkened from water.

"Ugh," he sighed mockingly, but then grinned again, "You know, since it's our anniversary, don't you dare thinking I forgot that, how about some snuggles later on the bus? We're off pretty soon, so sneaking out isn't really worth it."

"I hoped you'd say that," you smiled and placed another quick kiss against his lips.

"So I'm gonna take a shower and be back with you in no time," he decided, pulling you in for a longer kiss, pressing your front against his wet suit.

You let him do so for a few seconds, before pushing away, the moist fabric feeling unpleasant against your body.


Back in the bus you put on your pajama, getting ready for bed by brushing teeth and hair and crawled into Gerard's bunk bed, holding the stuffed, pink animal close to you. The bunk beds were narrow, made for one person, and even that was uncomfortable when you were tall. Sleeping together in one of these beds was hard and you could hardly move, so Gerard and you generally refrained from sharing a bed on the tour bus, but for special nights like this one it was okay; the discomfort was canceled out by the feeling of being so close to the person you loved.

The bunk smelled nicely of Gerard, something that usually got drowned out around the bus with so many other people around. You sunk back against the soft pillow, letting yourself be engulfed by the relaxing scent of your boyfriend while taking a good look at the tiny Lola you had made, wondering if Gerard would enjoy the little present.

It took a while before the door to the bus opened, and you recognized Gerard's step pattern.

"(Y/n), you here," he quietly shouted into the bus, apparently looking for you.

"In your bed," you answered, poking your head out from behind the curtain that was shielding the bunk bed from the view of other people.

Gerard was in his pajama as well and his face lit up when he saw you.

"Scoot," he demanded and crawled in next to you.

You moved as far back as possible until your back was pressed against the wall of the bus, making enough space for Gerard so he would not fall out of the bed.

"I got something for you," you whispered, suddenly feeling a little ashamed of the figure you had made.

You pulled it out and gave it to Gerard, before he could protest about how you had decided not to get something for each other. His eyes widened in surprise and a wide smile spread over his face.

"A Lola," he cheered, cuddling the pink plush toy against his chest, "They're wonderful!" He took a closer look at it, admiring the detailed hands and feet. "Did you make them yourself?"

"Yeah," you admitted shyly, but feeling relieved that Gerard liked the little present.

"Oh wow," he mumbled and continued studying the toy, "you are so talented."

You huffed. "Thanks, but I don't think so. You should have seen how I struggled with it!"

"But it turned into a real masterpiece and that's what matters, right?"

You nodded, not having the heart to tell Gerard that you were not very convinced by your work since he seemed to be overjoyed by your gift.

"You are so amazing, thank you so much, sugar," he whispered, tugging the toy away and leaning forward, kissing your lips gently.

It was a soft kiss, full of love and care and promise of a shared future. A few years back you would not have believed that a kiss like that could make your heart flutter as hard as it did now, but life changes people and now a kiss so soft and sweet like the one you were sharing with Gerard right now, was worth everything. And it was the man you loved, the man who loved you, who kissed you. Gerard had helped you get a proper job, that was true, and you would never forget that. But your feelings were so much more than gratefulness. There was affection and care and worry and the wish to never let go of his hand. There was fear of losing him and ecstasy when he smiled at you like you were everything he had wished for in life; and that was the only way he smiled at you, and he smiled a lot.

People climbed onto the bus, but Gerard and you barely noticed, only torn out of you calm togetherness when the manager checked if everyone was on the bus.

You fell asleep in Gerard's arms that night, pressed tight against his body, feeling the even moving of his breathing, while the motor of the bus hummed deeply and the wheels bumped over potholes in the street. His lips were still connected to yours in a promise, the confession of love unspoken in the gesture as both of you fell asleep arm in arm, little pink Lola watching over you.

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